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saw my ex last night!!! please give me advice!!

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As I was walking out of Macy's and into the mall, I heard, "Banana.....Hey.... Banana". I was like, "Oh...hey".


He apologized for how he treated me. He said he knows he really hurt me. And that he knows he needs to quit hurting people. He said he loves me, but he doesn't feel a connection to me. He said he WANTS to feel a connection to me. He said I was the best gf in all areas and he wants me in his life, but he just doesn't have that connection to me. I began to get teary and said I had to go. As I was walking away, he pulled me in for a kiss.


Arrrgh. I don't get this whole "I love you, but I don't love you" deal. He's said this before.

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YARR! Sorry. This sounds all too familiar. My ex told me he was falling in love with me, then 3 weeks later dumped me saying "the feelings just aren't there" and "we'd be better of as FRIENDS." Never mind that we never WERE "just friends" and he knows I'm in love with him. JERK.


I wish I had answers for you, but if I had answers for you, I'd probably have them for me. Your ex and mine sound like they're cut from the same stupid confused cloth.


As I was walking out of Macy's and into the mall, I heard, "Banana.....Hey.... Banana". I was like, "Oh...hey".


He apologized for how he treated me. He said he knows he really hurt me. And that he knows he needs to quit hurting people. He said he loves me, but he doesn't feel a connection to me. He said he WANTS to feel a connection to me. He said I was the best gf in all areas and he wants me in his life, but he just doesn't have that connection to me. I began to get teary and said I had to go. As I was walking away, he pulled me in for a kiss.


Arrrgh. I don't get this whole "I love you, but I don't love you" deal. He's said this before.

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Don't let his stupid behavior make you feel bad about yourself, honey. I've had so many people tell me what an idiot my ex is for walking away..you realize it's HIM and not YOU, right??


haha. funny. what self worth? my self esteem is GONE after this relationship. No....really. I used to be so graceful. Now I'm just a ball of nerves.
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I keep hearing all my guy friends complain about their gfs, and I'm like "I'm so NOT like any of these crazy women, yet my bf leaves me." I was a pretty d*mn awesome gf. He's an idiot. We need to keep telling ourselves that.


That's the problem with a lot of people. For me I was sad maybe the first week or 2 but then I got angry and knew I deserved better because I'm awesome.


If nothing else, don't go back to this guy he is playing your emotions like a fiddle.

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Banana before I met my husband I truly thought I was the type that couldn't be in a relationship. They all angered or irritated me alot, lol. I was always the independent type; never needed a man etc. I can assure you nothing is wrong with you; you just haven't found the right guy for you yet. He'll come along.

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I KNOW!!! All of my coworkers are women and we all share stories about our love life. They are nuts!! Yet, they have a BF that sticks by their side. It makes me wonder.... * * * is wrong with me.


Your problem is you are making this about what is wrong with you! It is what is wrong with your ex.

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Who knows what their situation is, tho. They could be fighting all the time at home behind closed doors and just talking up their bfs for the other women, to brag.


My ex said to me "at least I'm walking away from this knowing I can find a sane, beautiful woman to love me." Bully for him. What do I get, walking away from this? The feeling that I keep attracting a&&h(oles! I wanted to SLAP him.


A lot of men who date crazy women are codependent. Bleck. I know how you feel, tho. I feel like sometime down the road my ex may realize what he lost, but it'll be too late.


I KNOW!!! All of my coworkers are women and we all share stories about our love life. They are nuts!! Yet, they have a BF that sticks by their side. It makes me wonder.... * * * is wrong with me.
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I am convinced the people who leave a relationship like this have many issues. My ex and I had incredible chemistry and got along great. The romance was through the roof and we had many shared values. Then one day, out of the blue and over the phone, he says his feelings had changed and he wanted to break up. This says more about him than it does me, just as your situation does. I think it is too bad there are people out there with all this emotional baggage who for some reason are not capable of making a relationship work. It is frustrating, especially when you fall in love with them and are taken in by all their actions and words.

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Banana, you are far more better than him!!! You are capable of loving someone, he is a * * * * * who like to play games with your emotions. Don't ever let him kiss you. Don't ever let him touch you. He doesn't deserve you and your love. Just take back your love, pride, hapiness, hugs, kisses and everything he took away form you.


I mean really, close your eyes, picture him and take everything back.

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the reason he doesn;t have this 'connection' with you is because there is no chase for him, he knows your hooked on him, and he can have you when he wants you..... I'm telling you if you ignored this piece of filth and walked away and put your hand up to his face to shut hiim the hell up he'd be thinking 'oh crappers she doesn't care about me anymore' and then let the chase begin, but boys like this never learn, they just keep doing it and doing it over and over, its a vicious circle, get out now while ya can

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JA0371, yep.


I'm bound and determined to get over him now. I'm starting to realize that he has a lot of issues. The one thing I need to do is exercise. However, I can't bring myself to do it becasue for the past 8 + weeks, I've been so down over this guy!! And to make matters worse, I've easily gained 15 pounds since November because of emotional eating and not exercising - just an occasional non brisk walk. Ugggggh;

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