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Do I have to be a truly nice person?


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Sometimes I find it really hard to accept the fact that I am this person who has these evils thoughts from time to time.

And I really don't get why I am always of critical of others.

Seriously, who am I to judge others?


At the same time I am very harsh on myself too.

I just don't see why I can't loosen up a bit and care less about everything.


I also find myself always jealous of people.


I seriously want to be a nicer person.

It's not like I do anything concrete to harm anyone.

It's just I don't even want myself to have evil thoughts.

Like when some mean girls break up with their boyfriends (who I assume are loyal) I'd be really happy about it.


I just don't know what to do and what to think.

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Once you learn to respect and value yourself, things will change.


Why not try to do for others: get involved with volunteering. You could also do things to improve your life, such as taking courses in school.


You need to be happy with who you are, until you do, things will continue down the same path.

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Hollyj: Yes I have been volunteering. And then I came to this conclusion that I could be used and exploited by some not-so-good charities. I don't know what I am thinking.


I think I have been quite a nice person growing up. But people keep telling me I'm being used. And then I become over critical of everything.

I seriously want to help people without thinking too much. And yet I'm afraid of myself stupidly being used.


you know what I'm trying to say?


thanks for your reply.

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Yes! But until you establish boundaries in your life, nothing will change. This is about you and how you view yourself, when boundaries are present, the respect will come. If something does not feel right, it is time to extricate yourself from the situation.


Hon, if you don't respect yourself, then no one else will.

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Boundaries: not allowing others to take advantage. Look out for your own interests. Don't allow people to treat you like a doormat.


Google: establishing boundaries in your life. I'm certain you will come up with a great deal of info.


Are you a 'yes girl?'

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Things will change when you have more respect for yourself; it runs hand in hand. If you are happy with you, you will not be critical of others.


I think it's time to understand why you are a "yes girl" and lack boundaries. Do the work on yourself and good things will come-most of these behaviors are a result of our upbringing and how we value ourselves.

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ahhhhh i kinda get it now

i have always been neglected ...I think. And I'm in some sense kinda... giving up myself.

Instead of seeking for attention... I just want to avoid making mistakes or offending anyone.

'cause I don't want to be hated or even more neglected.

i dont even know if it makes sense now

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Hi Jeanettelee,


Why not make an appointment with a therapist to tell these thoughts to? They would be able to give you insight into why you think the way you do and give your strategies to breaking those thought cycles.


I had to break some terrible thought cycles I didn't even know I had until I went to therapy.

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Hi Jeanettelee,


Why not make an appointment with a therapist to tell these thoughts to? They would be able to give you insight into why you think the way you do and give your strategies to breaking those thought cycles.


I had to break some terrible thought cycles I didn't even know I had until I went to therapy.


Totally agree. Until you deal with this feeling of inadequacy, you will remain in the same place.

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Hollyj and Moontiger: AH I need to tell my counselor next time about this feeling of being inadequate and stuck in these terrible thought cycles.


I'm really inarticulate in person. Everytime I get carried away with some other stuff and never get to tell her my problems.


Thanks. You two have helped me to pinpoint my problems which I failed to pinpoint for the longest time..

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I hope i'm not compounding anything, but this white, repressed and sanctimonious angelo saxon annoys me. Who said it is 'right' to be so good? I've lived the whole 'good comes to those who wait' thing for so long and guess what? It doesn't. So don't worry about the occassional 'evil' (in their words) thought you may occassionally have. Why not give it a go and see if you don't got to hell? I know i am (and, somebody try to stop me. Go on).

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