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Need some FLIRTING tips...


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Just from your threads and posts I think you are trying way too hard with girls. I think you need to take a step back and breathe. Then work on yourself and your self confidence. Once you feel comfortable in your own skin then it'll be easier to talk to girls because you won't be so uptight about rejection.

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When I talk to girls, I feel sometimes nervous at first. But if the conversation goes smoothly I start to relax. So, sometimes because I can be nervous, I probably overdue my gestures,etc...to compensate for my nervousness. Getting a few drinks in me, really helps with everything.


Once you feel comfortable in your own skin then it'll be easier to talk to girls because you won't be so uptight about rejection.


The funny thing is... I actually EXPECT the rejection. It's when I get the feeling that a girl can actually like me when I get EXTREMELY nervous. I've been to strip clubs where I start to shake because I "feel" like a girl wants me.

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I wouldn't tell a story about the piss bucket again.. girls will think that's gross.. I had a guy come up to me at a party once and start telling me a story about a poop in a jar. His friend apparently pooped in a jar and left it in his room. Any romantic interest I had in the guy flew out the window after he told me that particular story.

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Damn! I guess I need to be more careful about what I say to girls for sure. I didn't know that it was THAT BIG OF DEAL.. It's probably because my buddies have said some gross stuff when their GIRLFRIEND was around.. I guess it's different when you are actually in a relationship with them.


I'm not that gross all the time..but I guess many girls thought I was gross ALL the time and I had some terrible reputation.


I know in highschool, and even college most people knew that how bad I wanted to have a girlfriend and such. That's one thing I really REGRET now. I shouldv'e not worried about it..but as you get older, you worry a lot more!


I always got the impression girls didn't like me because they already new or heard of stories how I was in-experienced and how much I wanted it. GOSSIP probably hurt me the most.

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Yeah, a guy can get away with telling a gross story if he's already been dating a girl for awhile, but if it's a first impression or the girl doesn't know you too well, no gross stories. lol.


I agree that maybe girls didn't want to date you in college since you were known as desperate or whatever.. but the girls don't know that now so I guess you don't need to worry about that at least. I don't think they read this forum lol.

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I would say you are trying to hard and worrying too much.


I know at your age and mine we get scared about being single... thinking we could be forever if don't find someone soon, that forces you to try to hard sometimes. I think just relax some and try but not try so hard. What type of girls are you going after? I mean are you going after 10's? Sorry I don't know how else to as that. Are you going for girls in your style and interests?


Flirting and teasing comes natural I think and as a flirt or a tease you need to know when you went to far and back it up.. I learned this and I learned to be really good at it. I meet girls easily but no matter how hard I try there is always that one that just has no attraction to me.. it happens with everyone.

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I go after whoever I think I have a chance. I go whoever actually talks to me. In college, I probably had a new girl every week or so. I don't have many options now. I'm big into music but mostly in hardcore/metal/punk. Girls like that are usually looking for a more "bad boy" type and there are not many girls out there. I would love to have a girl that appreciates that kind of music and not get turned off.

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