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Don't get mad, get even!

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Hello to everyone who is angry at someone. I want your advice... You see, I'm sick, but you don't realize how much hate I have... I'm tired of people kicking me to the curb... I mean people who treat me like, I dunno, like they're too good to talk to me, forgiving me for the stupidest little mistakes, etc. There's these couple of persons who have treated me very bad, and I'm sick of it, but I don't just want to get mad, I want to get even So, my question is, is there anyone who knows a really good way to get back at someone for something bad they've done (even if you did nothing to them)? I can't just leave this behind... I NEED to get back at them. Please, I hope this post is allowed, and I hope nobody posts anything like "Vengeance is not good"... I just need to do something, so this people learn that they can't just come and treat me like an object on which they can take their stress off on and then live like they can do it over and over again... Is there anything I can say to make them pay?


PS: By the way, I'm not talking about like killing someone, but like messing something of their's up, and letting them know that I won't take it...

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Alright man, I hear you. I have been that mad before. I know you do not want to hear that vengence is not worth it, so I will not say it that way. I will say that if you go through with doing something to get your revenge, it will not make your hurt feelings go away. Trust me on that one!


Plus, you can risk getting yourself in trouble. Especially if you are considering property damage. OK, these people have crapped on you in some way. Would it be worth getting in trouble (arrested, expelled, etc.) to get them back? They still win, man! Let it go. I know it is hard, but let it go. You will feel better in the long run. I have been around a while longer than you, and I am a firm believer of what comes around goes around, eventually. Seen it happen many times. They will get theirs without you doing a thing. There is Someone that is keeping score. Take the high road and good luck.

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I know what you mean. Sometimes I just want to tear someone apart to teach them a lesson. It's a very interesting question. We want life to be fair, we all want some cosmic law system that gives everyone their just deserts. There are a lot of things you can do. I hope you consider all of them.


1) there's a alt revenge newsgroup out there that I wont point you to because I don't want you to do this


2) But since I gave you that much info listen to this. You need to realize taht the fact that you want retribution so badly speaks volumes about your psychology. I don't think revenge is a good idea, but maybe a sublimating response would be to beat them all by becoming better than them. And that includes not resorting to revenge where they would probably restort to revenge.


3) These desires of yours are completely dependent on you. There are some people in the world--like Buddist monks--that would simply change their will, just decide, "I don't want revenge any more." Easier said than done, but there are some people that are able to do this. I wish I was one of them.

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OK, you will not want to believe this one. If you truly want them to think they got the best of you, do what you are thinking about doing. By you responding, they know they pissed you off. I do not know what these people did to you. If you act like nothing bothered you and even be polite to them back, it will freak them out. Do that a time or two and they will leave you alone. They will get bored with you. You might even make them feel bad. If you want to get the best of them, act like nothing bothered you. Really hard, but that will get you more respect than fighting back.


I am not saying this stuff to be all nice, I am saying this stuff because it works. I have went the route you are thinking. I didn't feel better and they didn't feel bad for what they did. I have also turned the other cheek, and it has worked every time. Keep your head up.

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hire a hitman haha naw im playin go find out their email password or w/e they use and send hate notes to all his/her buddies then del the account lol either that or constantly collect call his house at night hahaha iuno where i got the last one from but it's probably very annoying

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hire a hitman haha naw im playin go find out their email password or w/e they use and send hate notes to all his/her buddies then del the account lol either that or constantly collect call his house at night hahaha iuno where i got the last one from but it's probably very annoying


Now we're talking. I'll keep those in mind


I stood up for myself and everythings good now..Maybe u just need to stand up for urself tooo..


Thanks. I will stand up for myself... that's what this post was about.


Thanks everyone.

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Ok, I have to chime in here at this point. This post concerns me for two reasons:


a) I'm afraid someone is going to suggest something dangerous/harmful to the people you want revenge on - and you'll get in a world of trouble


b) Because you are obviously in pain. You are hurt by the actions of others.


I don't like to see people in pain. I know what you're going through - I've been let down by people in the past, and betrayed. It really, really hurts, and yes, it does seem like they deserve one hell of a payback.


But I've learned that the old cliche "The Best Revenge is Living Well" is absolutely true. By moving on with your life and doing good things for yourself, by working on your own personal growth and achieving some things you've always wanted to do, you actually leave the other person in the dirt - where they belong.


Harassing people by constantly calling, sending emails, only sends a message that you are obsessed with them. Guess what - this may annoy them, but it also flatters them and basically makes you look pathetic. In fact, anything you do to go out of your way to hurt them/get back at them is handing them power - you are telling them they are your central focus. That's hardly revenge.


On the other hand, if you are getting picked on physically, well - you do need to learn the skills needed to defend yourself. Remember the movie "The Karate Kid"? The guy was admirable because he learned martial arts for the right reasons, and once he was proficient at it, he didn't go after the guys who picked on him. He simply beat them at their own game.


If the problem is not physical, then my former advice is applicable for almost any situation. Perhaps if we had a few details about your specific situation, we could offer more feedback.


But all of us need to keep in mind that eNotalone is not a forum for giving information out about anything illegal.

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Hi there,

A few years back I was being harassed by a couple of women. They didn't like me and started spreading ugly rumors about me. When I confronted them they just teamed up on me and kept the insults coming.


You know what I did? I just got out of their way. I ignored them and all of a sudden they were out of business, they no longer had someone to pick on because I wasn't playing along--they could no longer have fun at my expense--and they would look foolish if they kept trying. This worked so well that they never bothered with me again.


The really sad part is that these were grown women in their 30's and 40's--just goes to show people can be bullies at any age. I had the last laugh because I could see how pathetic they were ...acting that way at their age. Shame, shame...

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Ok, I get the point, but in my case it's different... it's not just like insults (not physical either...), it's something else that I'm sure they'll keep on doing if I let them... So, Don't worry, I won't do anything foolish, and yes, I'll think about it b4 acting (I'm almost on the "Nah, I'll just ignore them" side, but you know, if they do something else, that will really make me switch 180 degrees). LOL, if anyone cares, I'll keep you posted. Thanks everyone. Best wishes.

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