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Well, it worked for me. Got back together.


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I dont think its negativity. In their own way people are trying to look out for you, and this means giving some tough love as well.


But I am happy that you got another shot at this. Keep your eyes open and keep communicating. Maybe you needed a kick in the butt to turn things around. And now that she has played the field a little, maybe she's able to appreciate more what she has got. If you can start with a clean slate from now..than do that.


Best of luck..and keep posting so we can help you stay on track..(or try to atleast ;-))..

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Sounds good man. One of my best friends got dumped by his gf, he worshipped her, did all the same things it sounds like you've done, she gave him the "i don't want a relationship and i want to see other guys" and he was a complete pathetic doormat. They never went into serious NC, kept it casual with him making it pretty clear he wanted her back, few months later theyre now back together and the tables have turned, he's completely in charge, emotionally rock solid and calls the shots and you can tell she's 100% loyal just looking at them. My point is the break opened his eyes to the things he was doing that would turn her off/make her question the relationship, he's fixed them and they're better than ever. Take from that what you will, but see the break as a learning experience and don't let it happen again.

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Absolutely man. I'm treading lightly, with our date around the corner. She's skeptical about it. She keeps saying she doesn't trust me, which i guess makes some sense. When she left me for another guy i was really upset, and i dealt with it essentially by belittling her, telling her how little she meant to me and how disappointed i am with everything she did and how she was dead to me. Coming from the guy who never said anything mean to her, i guess it was a big deal.


So, i'm getting signs from her that she really wants to give it a shot and get back together. She told me she was glad i didn't give up and she wants everything i want. Then whenever we get into the break-up, she gets a bit huffy and brings up how i acted afterwards, saying she saw a person she never saw before. But, she left me for another guy. I had to do whatever i could to finally protect myself. It was a hard fall that i took.


Hopefully when we go out it'll snap her out of it and put any fears she has to rest.

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