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It Does Happen


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Broke up in early November, but we just reconnected. We dated on/off for 7 years from high school through college and now we're both in our careers. We didn't talk much since we broke up, I think the longest we had no contact was around 8 days. We saw each other 3 days in a row at one point, but that was it.


Christmas Day she reached out to say Merry Xmas. We exchanged texts that day, nothing major, but the next day I told her how much she still meant to me. We continued to small talk for a few days while she was on vacation with her family. On New Years Eve, we reconnected. We took the New Years in together, just her and I, and it was great. Talked about what we wanted in a relationship, how to get there, and how to overall treat each other better. Our motto was that it was a new year and forgiveness is key. Start with a clean slate.


We'll see where this goes, but I just wanted to share with you that it does happen. I will do all I can to make this perfect for her. I've finally been happy these past few days and it feels wonderful.

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Sure, "it happens". But getting back together only happens when both parties each have the desire to make it happen, and both parties are committed to equally put in the effort to continue the relationship.

Unfortunately, on these boards, there is no "both parties" 99% of time. Instead, the vast majority of stories on here involves 1 person (mostly the dumpee) desperately seeking ways trying to "get their ex back" - which almost never works. It takes two equally dedicated people to repair, salvage, or rekindle a relationship.


Congratulations on a new start to the OP!

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Sure, "it happens". But getting back together only happens when both parties each have the desire to make it happen, and both parties are committed to equally put in the effort to continue the relationship.

Unfortunately, on these boards, there is no "both parties" 99% of time. Instead, the vast majority of stories on here involves 1 person (mostly the dumpee) desperately seeking ways trying to "get their ex back" - which almost never works. It takes two equally dedicated people to repair, salvage, or rekindle a relationship.


Congratulations on a new start to the OP!


Agree with this 100% BUT IT'S GREAT to hear a success story. Best of luck in your continued happiness.

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