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New Years Resolution - what is yours?

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I am not usually one to make resolutions but it is a new year and a good time to reflect on one's life and make goals or decide upon certain changes that will improve one's life. I do a lot of things right: I exercise consistently, I eat a healthy diet, I do yoga whenever I can, I get enough sleep and I spend quality time with family and friends. In recent months I have realized I have developed a bit of a problem - with alcohol (red wine namely). I have always been a social drinker and in years past I could go weeks without drinking. Since I am single, I do try to stay fairly social and alcohol is usually present at social gatherings. I often find it hard to resist. I used to stop at one or two but now, lately I will sometimes go beyond that....and it's not good. Recently I find if I have that first glass of wine, I always want a second glass. Problem drinking is a progressive condition and I really, really do not want to go down that road. I realize that I use alcohol to forget about my worries, rather than finding other ways to deal with them. I also want to lose about 5 lbs and I know that wine has empty calories so if I just quit the wine, I will probably drop the weight. Most of my friends drink, and when we get together, we drink! There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol as long as it is just one or two and doesn't get out of hand. For me, I feel like I am drinking more than usual, it is affecting my general health so it's time to just stop for a while.


So today I am posting this because I want to set a goal - to make January 2012 an alcohol free month. I really *want* to do this. I find if I don't eat sugar, I don't want sugary things. If I don't drink red wine, I will eventually lose the craving. One day at a time. For me, my goal is one month and then I will take it from there.


Feel free to post your resolution or goal here. This is mine, and by posting it I am making this commitment.


Happy New Year to all!

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I'm not one to make resolutions either. I have goals for the year, but I wouldn't count them as resolutions. Repunzel, I just wanted to say that you can definitely do it. I used to be addicted to soda- drank at least 2 cans a day. I hated water...I couldn't drink it with food. One day I decided enough was enough and I stopped drinking soda- cold turkey. It's been about 7 months since then and I no longer crave it. I drink water with every meal. I do treat myself to a soda every once in a while (once every 2 weeks or so), but it's no longer part of my regular diet. So you definitely can do it. And just think about all the negative effects it has on your body and skin. Good luck!

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I, too, need to chill out where the booze is concerned. And I smoke when I drink so double no no. Therefore, cut back on the booze and tobacco.

I haven't exercised since Oct. so I'm going to get off my butt at least three times per week and walk/jog for a minimum of 30 minutes.

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1. take things as the come so accepting is a word i practice as we speak..............

2 truly exercising the word forgiveness not just for others but myself as well

3. learn to trust more

4. smile more (which these days im already doing)

5.Again Accepting myself as i am



im moving to a whole new state where no one knows me it like i get to reinvent myself and im taking ever lessons from my lonier self and learn from "her"

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