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broken up exactly 1 hour ago

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i have just broken up with my girlfriend, it was me who initiated the break.

REASONS: she has never really supported me in my ventures, she doesn't come out with me and when she does i all ways feel i have to stand next to here to make sure she is all right. she all ways gets on to me if i am not with her 100% of the time and she is to controlling over my life.


i am not sure how i feel i know i have made the correct desicion but my heart is still breaking, we have had two and a half years together, but for the last 6 months i have been feeling more and more distant from her.our hearts want the same thing but our minds are in two completley different places. plus ihave met some one else who i have taken a liking to.

basically i just would like to talk this through with any body who has experinced the same thing or any body that wants to talk.


Sorry if the grammer is not right or the spelling is all over the place but i'm in no mood to be checking it

thanks for reading this look forward to your replies.

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If you feel you did everything to correct things, and nothing worked, than you had no choice I suppose. I am just curious if you talked to her about those things bothering you though. I know in the past, my ex told me when we went out he felt like he had to be near me - but the honest truth was he did not! It was something he worked up in his mind he felt he had to do! I was usually having a great time on my own, but he would think for some reason sometimes I did not like that????


But the too controlling thing, I can see why that would really be a relationship killer - but she might not have been totally aware she was doing it. Often miscommunication is the real "reason" for break ups in my opinion.


Anyway, if you were sure of your decision, you will heal and move on. It is normal to feel heartbroken, and in time you will be okay. I advise you don't rush into any relationships though for a while. Even the dumpers need time

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I guess when things like this happen and we've been together for so long, we have to second guess ourselves to be sure we made the right decission. We have to seek responses from other people to know if we did the right thing and I'm not going to tell you that you did the right or wrong thing. You'll know in due time...but what I am going to ask you is;


Did you break up with her for those reasons, or did you break up with her because you've taken a liking to the other girl? Because if you broke up with her for the other girl and things with that girl don't work out you're going to feel real dang stupid for losing 2 1/2 years of your life to the greatest woman you'll never get back.


Did you ever sit down w/ your ex and ask her how she felt about the relationship? Maybe she wanted to take it to another level such as marriage but she didn't know how you felt and was too affraid to say anything. I know if I was with someone for 2 1/2 years I'd be looking toward marriage.


About her trying to control your life, did you ever think she was just jealous? I used to be jealous a lot and hated it when my ex would go out with any other person. Now the guy I'm with basically only has girl friends, and most of them like him...but I have to learn to trust him. And maybe when you're around, she just wants to be comforted...


Good luck to you with this, I hope everything works out for the best.

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I think regardless of whether you broke up with her because of her controlling nature, or because you broke up with her for this other girl, you've made the right decision. Why? Because first and foremost, you're no longer stringing your ex along. You can't be blamed if you poured your heart and soul into a relationship, tried to work things out and still can't see yourself with her. If you didn't give it your all, however, that's something you're going to have to live with...


My advice. If your heart is hurting from breaking up with your girlfriend of 2 and a half years, then take a break from relationships for a while. Jumping in and out of relationships is something a LOT of people just can't manage to do in a healthy way. All you'd be doing is replacing the void that your girlfriend (now 'ex') has left you with.


Your ex will be hurt to see you with another girl so soon too, so think carefully about what you do.


Take care!

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