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why do guys do this??!

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hey everyone. well...i just broke up with my bf of almost 9 months. ill just say that it was an AMAZING relationship. now...we had an online conversation, i could tell something was wrong, but i didnt know it would be as serious as it turned out. i kept asking him questions about how he feels about me and such and he was like fine...i dont know. all this weird stuff. he went from in that one conversation i love you to im fine with you to i just need time to i want to friends. we talked the other day...and im surprised at how well we're doing as "friends". but he said that he doesnt want a relationship. yet hes confused about how he feels, and why this feeling is there. he said that it was during summer vacation, when he went to another country was for about 6 weeks. i never thought that amount of time could change his mind so drastically, however i always said to people that i know that i at 16 am very mature, but i need to realize that most guys/girls are not like that. it really hurts that this small amount of time would make him not love me anymore. why is this??


so now im very hurt, very sad...but im just trying to be normal. i mean while we broke up we were holding hands! and then he hugged me and kissed me on the forehead telling me how great my hair smells! i mean he said hes confused about how he feels, however i do think he doesnt want a "relationship" at this time. i just want to know what you guys think out there. i mean do you think he still likes me? do you think i should still keep hope? should i punk him off? should i act as if everything is normal? i would just like to know what you all think about this situation. any comments or advice are very much appreciated thanks!

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Well, at our age relationships can go from good to bad in just a few minutes. It's true for any age, but primarily ours and younger. You may have had a good time together, but him being away, he may have realized he doesn't need you now. It probably hurts, but people our age are very unpredictable. I wouldn't give up hope totally, but don't pressure him. If you really want him, give it time and let him do what he wants (as long as he doesn't hurt/take advantage of you or do things against your will). As he gets older he may mature a bit and things could work out. Good luck.



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hey thanks for the replies. ya, i wouldnt dare pressure him at this point. honestly i NEVER PRESSURED him throughout the relationship. its just hard, but im trying to act as happy as possible pretending it doesnt matter. he msged me the other night and we talked for a couple of hours about all kindsa stuff. and when he had to go, i dunno if he slipped but hes like hun i gtg...it felt so hard. i know for a fact right this moment he doesnt WANT A RELATIONSHIP, yet i feel as if he still likes me. but ya, im just going to play it cool, let the friendship go on. so ya, things are confusing for both of us right now, but going well. and i was always afraid of this cuz as i said earlier, i know that at our age most people do change their minds as often as clothes. im just not like that, and its hard to not find anyone as mature as i am. but thanks for the advice and luck, and i will just let day by day go by, and crush on him like i did b4 lol. any more advice or comments are totally welcome.

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