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Confusing dream - have any thoughts?

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Little background info:


I've been married for 6 years. My husband and I went through some hard times a few months back when I had discovered that he had an affair. We are still together and are getting along fine now.


Anyway, about a week ago I had a heated dream about my husband's best friend. He's a friend of mine as well.


It's confusing to me because of #1. I'm not the cheating type and #2. I never thought of this man in that way. I woke up wondering where that came from.


Could there be some meaning behind this or am I just over thinking it?

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Well, I do mostly agree with everyone else. But I'll try and tell you something it COULD mean. I used to be into the interpretation of dreams. I read in a book that having a dream where you're cheating usually means that you're unhappy with your sex life. Maybe you two need to spice things up a bit.

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I am big on dream interpretation. I've always believed that if more people listened to their dreams and what they're trying to tell us, that we would understand our subconscious a bit better. Here's what I think about your dream:


You may have some repressed sexual fantasies that you are not allowing yourself to explore in your conscious life. And, your dream doesn't even have to be completely about sex. It could mean that you are not expressing your impulses enough and allowing yourself to enjoy them within the established boundaries of your marriage. Think about it.


About the male friend in your dream. What qualities do you find attractive in this man? There must be something mental and/ or physical that you want that this man displays. It doesn't even have to mean that you want him per se, but you are observing particular qualities and/ or mental and physical traits that you seem to find very attractive. Ask yourself what you see in him that you might like to see in your husband.

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i do agree with ocean eyes on interpatations with the dreams but, everyone has those weird dreams. Like im sure you've dreamed of falling madly in love with your nasty old english teacher or something totaly rediculous you know? I Wouldn't take it so serously because think just because you have a nightmare of you falling off a building doesn't mean that you are gonna fall off a building or get stabbed or shot... I mean i havn't yet 0X ... okay i hope that helped have a nice day

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The thing with dreams is that you should rarely take them literally. If you can understand your subconscious, you can usually understand your conscious life better. I agree, that over-analyzing every dream you have will drive you crazy, but there are some dreams that I write down when I wake up that have really affected me.


Dreams, in my opinion, are a metaphoric/ symbolic way of interpreting the depths of your subconscious. I used to have a recurring dream that a grizzly bear was chasing me through the forest. I started realizing how much some of the burdens in my life were starting to catch up with me. This year, I dreamt that I was chasing the grizzly bear.


It's just an interesting way of understanding your mind.

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i heard that dreams are sorta supposed to mean like the complete opposite of what you see them as. me being an italian, my family is big on dream interpretation...like if you dream of any kind of numbers...play them in the lottery i mean ive had dreams that involved stuff i would never think of...sometimes for the bad sometimes for the good....dreams are just weird like that lol.

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I don't believe dreams have any affect on our lives. The amount of times I've had messes up dreams that don't make sense at all and have nothign to do with my life. Anything can trigger a dream. If you saw a movie that day with a sex scene in it. Anything. Is it true cheese makes you have weird dreams?

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