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getting so much closer to trying to get to know this girl


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There has been this girl i have admired for like the last 3 years and she is so attractive to me its not even funny i mean in good way such as beautiful.She is so beautiful to me it is so great she is very gorgeous to me.Ive talked about going up to her before but i think ill do it definitely thi year with the help of happy pills and the fact that some girls seem to actually be looking at m like they r attracted.Just something in the back of mind different from all other girls i have ever liked telling me to "go for her she is great!"and i dont even know her.It just feels like i need to go for her iono she just captivates me with how she looks.Iono other people dont think she looks that good but something about her says shes great although i dont know her.Sorry its hard to explain i was just wondering if any of u have had that feeling before?I mena ive heard how she acts around her friends and we sound a like and stuff and she just seems so great for some reason very weird and hard to explain.Just like one of those girls that some people think is not so attractive but too u she just feels like the most beautiful person u have ever seen and u dont know why but its true to ur heart.Just one of those at first sight things.I wanna try and get to know her and maybe date her if what my intuition is telling me is true because that would be great.Anybody have the same exact

feelings and stuff for someone and u dont know how to describe it?

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Yeah, I been in that situation before, difference is I didn't say anything........and now it's too late I found out she would have said yes....ah well. But anyway, I say go for it. But don't jump right into asking her out.


Just go up to her and say hi...ask her to help you on an assignment over the weekend, something casual. That way you can get to know her first. Once you found out what she likes, maybe you could work something out from there, just start small.


Hope that is at least of some help to you.....good luck

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Yes, i had the exact same thing in high school. She would always smile at me and giggle. She had a boyfriend the first year though My mistake was not talking to her when she was single. I know we would've dated, but i was just too proud, stupid, and ... stupid!

Maybe i wouldn't be so messed up today if I had gone up and chatted it up with her...


Thanks for opening up old wounds!

just kidding


I'm fine now, but it took a long time to get over it. It's better that you go up and talk to her and see if anything happens. Maybe you'll realize that she is as great as you think she is, and maybe she won't be. It's better to find out than to think 'what if'. If she's not, than you'll be able to move on. Trust me, because of my crush I missed out on some great girls.


Good luck bro.

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Ya im wondering how to go up to her because i was hoping! to have some classes with her but i dont but o well.Iono how i can go up to her and talk to her out of no where i mean i have to some good reason to actually talk to her.Thats the problem im having im trying to figure out a good way to break the ice and start talking to her to get to know her.

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What do u mean man im just saying i definitely should just break the ice and get to know her better before doing anything just dont know how to start it just seems so akward going up to her out of no where asking her someone just seems very weird to me.Gotta get some good way to talk to her so she can maybe like me somewhere down the line if she is really how i feel inside that she is.

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Ideas to Break the Ice:


- You could ask her if she knows the time. (Check to see if she's wearing a watch beforehand perhaps). And after she gives it, Smile, look her in the eyes, & say thanks. I know this won't lead to much more unless you take more iniative but at least this way you are breaking the ice a little bit.


- You could pretend you know her from somewhere. Then say "Oh, What's your name? Oh...ok...sorry about that you just looked so familiar", or say something like "Do you have a sister/brother named ____?"...and go from there.

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