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sick of everything

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Hey, I don't know if this is an option where you go to school, but our high school has a "sister" high school, called the alternative program where kids can go to experience more independence in the school environment. They have more options, flexibility, and less routine there, allowing kids to pursue individual interests more freely. We also have options like career centers where we can opt to go for a few days a week in place of school. Even if it's not a built in program, I'm sure there has to be something that can be done for your high school experience to be a more enjoyable one. I would talk to your counselor if I were you. Check out your options. Good luck(-:

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I'm going through the same EXACT thing!! I know how it feels!!! Sometimes I feel like I just can't relate to anyone, not even my "friends" which aren't that great (like you said...) so yeah I know what you're going through.


The only thing that gets me through is knowing that I'm graduating this year and get to go to college after that...but if you're not in the same situation, I suggest just finding something to look forward to, you know it could be a sport, a pet, an event, i dunno just SOMETHING that you can look forward to besides school. Maybe start talking to someone you find interesting, or if you can't do that, then maybe get a new CD or book that you really want to read/listen to. Maybe start working out somewhere on a regular basis (trust me it feels really good), you know, something that helps you improve yourself by setting goals, etc. I don't know, you might be interested in something totally different, just find out what that is.

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Wow. You sound like me when I was in high school. Hated it....I mean, HATED IT.


I already knew what I wanted to do with my life and high school was just marking time. To this day, I don't know how I did it, but I managed to talk my parents into letting me graduate a semester early. A friend of mine graduated an entire year early...and she LIKED school--she was a Majorette an' everything. She had to bust her butt taking classes/grade-wise, but she did it. Does your school have this option?


You're 15, so you're, what...a sophomore? Could you gut it out this year and next and if you could graduate early?

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i just wish everything would change


Well, as you know, wishing for things to happen doesn't make them happen. There's actually work involved on your part, and you have to make some efforts to alter your routine. For example, if you just come straight home every day and turn on the TV, play computer games, etc., etc., then that is something you have control to change. You could actually do something different. Go for a hike. Volunteer for some organization. Take up a sport or hobby. Learn something...rock climbing, martial arts, a second language, drawing, DJ mixing/scratching (whatever the term is for that get the idea. Exercise your mind by changing your routine. Never stop seeking personal growth and enrichment.


It's good that you realize at a young age that sticking to a same routine in every aspect makes for a boring life - and ultimately a boring person. Think of all the countless sheep out there who do the 9 to 5 thing every day, order take-out for dinner, and park in front of the TV every single day. You do not want to end up with that kind of life.


But my friend...it takes work on your part. You have to make the effort involved to see real change in your life.

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