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26 and never dated, it is game over for me?


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It's not to late to start dating anyone. It just the fact of putting yourself out there and having self confidence. I don't think women would really care about your dating history. I didn't really have a dating history with anyone and it didn't bother my bf at all when we met. He actually liked it!

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Some women might like the fact that you're less experienced, like you obviously haven't slept with 15 girls if you haven't dated (unless you have a lot of drunken hookups or something, haha). Anyway there's no reason the woman really needs to know that you haven't dated at all. She might know you're not THAT experienced because you might be nervous, but she can't guess without asking that you've been on 0 dates before. If she does ask, I doubt she'll ditch you over that if she likes other things about you. If she does ditch you just for that then she's pretty shallow and not worth it. There are a lot of girls and guys on here and on other internet sites, a lot of introverted people, who haven't started dating until their 20s, even late 20s, even 30s.


Plus, it's better starting at 26 than 36!


I know how you feel though, because I'm 25 and I've been on dates but I've never had a serious relationship, and I get a bit embarrassed to tell people I haven't had a relationship and technically haven't lost my virginity.

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It's never too late to date. It's only a problem if you make it one. I think some women, myself included, prefer men who don't have a long history of 20 ex-gf's b/c 1) it shows you aren't a player and 2) most likely you don't have STD's.


That said, just make sure you are happy with yourself and have enough confidence.

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Looking at some of your previous threads, you have insecurities that have prevented you from even passing the start line...


-You say you have a small penis that has prevented you from ever having sex. No, your insecurity about having a small penis has prevented you from even trying.

-You say your weight issues have prevented you from dating. If it make you feel that way, have you tried doing anything about it to lose weight?


And obviously, your dating history also makes you insecure and feel unworthy.


You need to face these obstacles and do something about it. Start now, don't be 30, 35, 40 and asking the same questions.

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I have a very hard time believing that a woman would ever want anything to do with me if they found out I was 26 and never even went on a date. Is it too late to even think about dating?


Of course not! Don't be so hard on yourself. Believe in yourself and that will shine through to the women you date. Regardless if the dates work out or not, the point is to just get out there and get experience in dating. I'm sure you have a lot of great qualities to offer a lady. She'll see it, too, but you have to put yourself out there so she can. Don't sell yourself short and don't let ANYONE, the media, society, or whatever, try to define you as being "unsuitable" for dating and being happy finding someone special because of your past, or lack thereof. Everyone's got to start somewhere!

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Looking at some of your previous threads, you have insecurities that have prevented you from even passing the start line...


-You say you have a small penis that has prevented you from ever having sex. No, your insecurity about having a small penis has prevented you from even trying.

-You say your weight issues have prevented you from dating. If it make you feel that way, have you tried doing anything about it to lose weight?


And obviously, your dating history also makes you insecure and feel unworthy.


You need to face these obstacles and do something about it. Start now, don't be 30, 35, 40 and asking the same questions.


Indeed. Small penis, eh ? If you watch porn and think the guys there have average penis, then you're wrong, well I won't ask your size down there but give it a try.

You CANT have a bigger penis (unless you believe in these old spam mails promoting penis enlargment) but you can lose weight.


Last and most important advice : don't kill yourself. Start dating instead, life will be much easier.

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