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What would you make of this?

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What would you make of a situation if you heard of an ex that left you for someone else did the following:


-Yelled at friends of hers for talking to you.


-So I sent her a message asking how she was to try and alleviate any tension (we aren't fbook friends or anything) to which she did not respond.


-Saw a picture of you with some people in which a girl is leaning into you and proceeds to ask a friend if this girl is married or anything and admits to looking her up on facebook to find out, but asked because she couldn't find the answer.


-Then, a week or so later, randomly responds to the message I sent earlier (3-4 weeks have passed) but not really saying anything.

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Yes...why are you doing this to yourself? She wants you to contact her, she wants you to assure her she's still the one controlling the situation even if you two have broken up and if you don't respond a little tease will get you all sprung giving you false hope.


Her behavior from the past sounds like she's always the one that needed attention, badmouthing and controlling her so called friends, gets mad when you change your lifestyle after the breakup and when you are genuinely happy for her new relationship with her ex.


You really need to stop contacting her and put yourself ahead. Ignore her, she'll try to be sweet or even make up stories to think better about her.

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