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Where is the love in this world???

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I've met a wonderful girl about 4 months ago during a business trip. She was married for 2 years (3 years knowing the guy, no kids) and we just felt in love for each other. We had really wonderful moments.

She was telling me that I was the man of her dream. We were soul mate!!!!

After 2 months, she decided to get separated. She was pretending that she didn't love her husband anymore and there was no passion in her relation. They were friends, nothing more. Sex once per 3 weeks, kiss once per 3 days... anyway, you know what I mean.

We managed to develop a good long distance relation. talking 2 or 3 hours over the phone each day and seing each other each month.


However, after 1 month of seperation she started to feel really guilty about not giving a second chance to her marriage, She started to really miss him. I propose her to get help from a councilor. He propose her to stop talking with me so she can make up her mind. However, she saw her husband in a bar during the 5 days that we didn't had any contact.

11 days ago she told me that she was giving another chance to her husband.


I'm just destructed. I don't know what to do. She broke up with me telling me that she love me and that I will always keep a place in her heart. She told me that the connection we had together was real and that she will never find that anymore. Not even with her husband. Yesterday I told her that I would take time for me. That since she closed the door on us that I couldn't be the only one putting energy on something that was not existing anymore. I told her that I would only call her when I'll feel better. However that she can call me if she is sad. I told her that I would not be dead but only living from now on on another world that her world.


I think that we really love each other. We have the passion with a big P.

However, she wants to give another try with her husband... Why???????

Her head is telling her one thing but I feel like her heart want something else.


Can you help me understand????

Do you think it will worth giving another chance to her marriage???????


Where is the love in this world????????????????????????????

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