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i don't know what to do please help

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i'm in a messed up situation. i have this guy who is lock up in prison and he will be home in january (not a violent crime everybody makes mistakes). but i have this married man who told me that he was in the process of getting a divorce and just last sunday he left his wife and now he ask to move in with me and i did tell him no plus i told him that he need to work it out with his wife but he tells me that he had fallen in love with me and i don't like him like that i was just lonely and needed someone to cuddle with for the time being.


he don't know nothing about the man that's in prison and the man in prison i love him so much and he has a feeling that i'm messing around with someone and he barely calls me.


He tells that he would only call me or write me if i write and tell him to write or call me. he feels like when he calls me that he is bothering me and i have to say i don't never show him that i miss him or i love him but i do.


I'm trying to get the married man the hint that i don't want him i did tell him that he needs to go back to his wife and try to work things and that me an him can only be friend and nothing else.


I can image how that lady feel knowing that her husband is messing around with someone else and i had to realize to that if i was married would i want a women to do me like this and plus i really love my man and i trying everything in my power not to lose him which i think i have but he just don't knwo how to tell me. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

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Really, I think that the married guy should rethink his marriage. If he wants to stay or go. Why does he want to be with you and not his wife?


As far as the guy in jail, maybe he is just stir crazy and trying to keep his mind off missing you. Maybe he has picked up on clues that you are cheating on him.


Either way, you might be better off ditching each guy and starting fresh. It is hard to recover from a relationship of secrets and betrayal. You have that in both relationships with each guy.

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it's not that easy to ditch the other guy i love him and i knkow that i did cheat on him. i really don't know why the married man like me so much he did say that i always listen to him and give him the attention that his wife don't give him. he basically said that he really don't know what it is about me he just likes me a lot

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Ok, my take on your situation....I think you know that you aren't picking the most appropriate guys to have a relationship with. They really aren't available, nor do they have much going on that could actually benefit you.

Let me ask you something: what are the things that you want to get out of a relationship? Describe your "dream guy".


This would be helpful info so we can explore a little bit more your decision making process when seeing someone new.

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stability and someone that love me for me.



I know u probably say that neither one of them have stability but the one in prison we have dated before and at that time he did have stability and all, and i think that he really care about me alot.


i don't know,..... i just love him so much, and it's hard to let him go

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