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Trust my gf but not other guys

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I trust my girlfriend very much, she is an angel i know she would never cheat on me....but i have a tough time trusting guys and we r at different colleges and i know guys are going to hit on her at parties but i just dont want things to get out of hand....I tend to always thing negatively and cant help it....How do i make myself think everything is going to be fine and their is no reason to worry?? I am so use to going to parties together and i just hate the thought of other guys being all over her....ahhh what do i do to overcome this crazy negativety i have running through my head? HELP

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Trust me brother am not sick, and i dont have a problem i just have experiance no more !

females cant resist attention ! where ever they find it they just go there !

things aint be ok and u have not to worry, not because ur sweet is ok but because theres planty fish in the sea !

let me make my point !


You Lose them like anything !

just get ur self three or four other girls who like u so u dont have to watch ur girl with ur best friend together and cry helpless !


Take my advice !


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Ok.. so you say you trust your girlfriend, but you think other guys would hit on her and she would accept it? If she is who you think she is, wouldn't she reject them? Unless you are afraid someone is going to rape her... I know long distance relationships are hard, but hopefully you've already decided it's worth it. It's just natural that you worry about her, it shows you are afraid of losing her Best of luck to you.



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Unless you are afraid someone is going to rape her...


That's pretty dramatic, lol Rape can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone. Just because a girl goes to a lot of parties doesn't mean she has a better chance of being taken advantage of, and if she puts herself into compromising situations, then it's her who has to take the steps in being safer. You have to trust that she can take care of herself. My guess is that if she's off at college alone, that she has a pretty good chance of doing that.


I'm going to let you in on something, and sort of validate what AwesomeDude said: women usually like attention. But at the same time, I think everyone likes attention. If you and your girlfriend have a solid relationship based on honesty and trust, then you shouldn't ever lose sleep over where she is or what she's doing. If you find that you can never rest, always wondering what she might be doing, then I'm sorry - but this long-distance relationship won't work out for you. It's hard enough to trust someone, but when they're at another college miles and miles away from you? A lack of trust in this situation will drive you nuts.


Here's another think to keep in mind if you have an attractive girlfriend. Girls get hit on all the time. I am not even sure of how aware of this men are, but they're used to the attention. To be honest, I rarely take flattery from males to heart anymore unless I see it coming from a source I think is sincere. Your girlfriend is probably used to men coming onto her, they probably do it a lot more than you know. But she never acts on it because she already has what she wants with you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My girlfriend is about 30 miles away at college. She always claims loving me and being true to me and all that (bullship probably) . But for some odd reason, just like the poster of this topic, i get that odd feeling that somethings gonna happen. It keeps me sleepless and sometime i have to knock myself out with a little nyquil. She's really cute, and i KNOW guys are constantly looking at her and wondering 'why is she dating that little pip?' and quite frankly, i wonder the same thing...But anyway she has no trouble hanging out with her girlfriends who are very slustty, and im afraid she'll run into trouble with her friends.


Interstingly, tomorrow night she's going for her 21st birthday with said friends to get sloshed. Picking a time that is impossible for me to hang out with her/them because i work saturday early mornings and she knows it. She even cancelled plans for earlier that day having a small bday party at my friends house ( a good male friend of hers) we're both put off, because im left out , he's left out, and its all pretty weak of her. And both him and i (among other friends i whined about her to) said 'her, drunk will probably end with her messing around with other, drunk males' I know she shruggs off men's advances when she's sober, but i've never had her drunk so i have no idea how she acts. and i'm very scared to find out....


of course, im not willing ot sneak and follow her, because quite frankly, if she does fool around, i probably won't catch her. I won't sneak to follow her, thats just creepy. No girl is worth wasting a few gallons of gas over, unless you're really serious about her. Nor will her girlfriends rat it out to me. THey're all very evil. I'll just have to rely on divine intervention.


So, men, i advise you ALWAYS, unless youre married, to flirt with girls who will have no feasible connection with your girlfriend anyway at any given time, because it will be a kick in her canolis when shes messed around and you know it and you ask some random female friend to your next date


...but be chivalrous,don't use that second girl as a trophy to get back at yoru old girl, treat her right. she didn't do anything to deserve it....yet.

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Regardless of whether your gf goes to your college or not, she is going to have opportunities to cheat because there is no way anyone can be with his gf 24/7. You are just going to have to trust her and believe that she is faithful...especially since she has given you no reason to be suspicious.

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