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Post B/U Anxiety Attacks. No Triggers

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I would like to get other peoples thoughts on anxiety attacks. I now am almost 8 mos post BU. I can see the light! (never thought I would,was even suicidal at first). as little as 1-1.5 months ago I have had acute anxiety attacks. One example: I was driving my car, Sun was shining, music was playing ( I was even enjoying it and singing along) I had worked out earlier and was dressed nice. I wasn't thinking about "her" at all. BAM! Out of nowhere. It literaly felt like I got kicked in the chest. It took my breath away. I felt a shock run through my nervous system. Almost started shaking and crying. The very first thing on my mind was "her". there were no triggers. Nothing that I saw or heard. Nothing. My question is what is going on when this happens? I'm going to take a leap here and say that I believe that the universe is all connected. Does anyone think that the out of the blue moments like this could be that because we shared such a srtong connection and if we are all connected in some way that the other person is thinking of you strongly at the same point in time? I'm not saying that this is what I'm thinking is happening but there has to be some reason for it be it metaphysical or even just subconscious. Thoughts?

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I won't go that far and well doubt there's any universal spiritual connection ...Until few months ago I wasn't familiar with panic attacks and always thought that's something weak-minded people experience when they are incapable of coping with their emotions. Shallow,isn't it?


After I told him to leave,I had numerous panic attacks to this present day.


One thing I know for sure is that panic attacks appear to be unprovoked in 80% of the cases.

At some point I did suspect I am having Panic Attack Disorder, that can be easily developed after separation,usually in young age,but grown-ups suffer as well.

I did inform myself and I would suggest for you to go ahead and check out some websites or just take a peek at Wikipedia. Gladly I am able to control my raging heartbeat and depression way better than before.

Good luck.

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After the BU I was in a constant state of anxiety for months. Everything triggered it. Certain: songs,tv,food,places etc... Things that we shared but I'm talking about out of the blue wehn I'm happy and not thinking about her at all. The one example I used came from nowhere and left in about 10 seconds. I even asked myself "Whoa where did that come from" and it was gone. Just like that. I'll check out some sites. Thanks Avon.

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Oh,I know how that feels.



I think the last time happened a week ago,I was having fun at the bar,singing along with my friends.Then a sudden panic attack so severe,out of the blue,it took my breathe away.No triggers whatsoever but I tried to keep a journal since then ...at the end I think it's more about brain chemistry and/or your body is trying to give you a hint.


Sometimes you might try to heal too quickly and force yourself to be in a good mental stage when actually the thing you need is to slow down and evaluate your emotional stability and ability to deal with problems. I don't know if it makes sense but I feel that partly me trying to be "fine" so fast and "numbing it all out" caused more damage than anything else.

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Oh,I know how that feels.



I think the last time happened a week ago,I was having fun at the bar,singing along with my friends.Then a sudden panic attack so severe,out of the blue,it took my breathe away.No triggers whatsoever but I tried to keep a journal since then ...at the end I think it's more about brain chemistry and/or your body is trying to give you a hint.


Sometimes you might try to heal too quickly and force yourself to be in a good mental stage when actually the thing you need is to slow down and evaluate your emotional stability and ability to deal with problems. I don't know if it makes sense but I feel that partly me trying to be "fine" so fast and "numbing it all out" caused more damage than anything else.


It's probably a combination. I think some people are more susceptible to developing things like Panic Attack Disorder, but it takes something stressful to set them over the edge. There's plenty of therapy techniques and even medication if you so desire. My sister has General Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attack Disorder, so I know it's a very horrible experience. Help is out there, though.

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I totally agree that if you try to rush through your healing or deny what has happened to you you could suffer a lot of anxiety in the future but I have made sure to deal with all my feelings as they come. I'm still not healed yet. But that instance was 6.5-7 months post. I'm just looking for different ideas and I appreciate your thoughts and time. Thank you.

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I can't be long, symbiot, but I wanted to let you know that I've had what seem to be massive panic attacks for the first time ever and am learning very slowly to deal with them. I've learned that letting the emotion flow is key, but that is VERY difficult at work. I've left my office many times to let the emotion flow. I sincerely hate it when it happens in social settings, especially when I am supposed to be having fun.

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Yea I know all about L.O.A. and I do believe in it and when the BU was fresh I believed that I could feel her thinking about me. As i got better those ideas faded but when I seemed to be doin alright and not thinking about her at all and having a nrmal day and then almost brought to my knees for no obvious reason I started having "weird" thoughts again about what exactly is happening. I do think we are all connected to each other and the universe but I'd be just as happy to have an expert tell me that its all in my subconscious or its chemical or whatever. I just wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this or personal experiences with it. I know when I told one woman I work with she said before I could even finish my story " maybe when you feel like that she's thinking about you" and that knida took me aback. I had said anything like that to anyone. Whatever. I'll accept whatever the truth is but I do want to find out. And just for the record I have had true psychic experiences before. Not many but a couple.

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Thats rather unsettling to think that someone might have the ability to send us into a panic attack while we're just sitting there in a relaxed and peaceful state of mind, it makes it all sound rather hopeless. Sure everything is connected but in a more tangible way not some sort of invisible force.


The connected emotion is what would be transpiring. Anxiety comes form the person experiencing it... the panic attack is a result of an attempt to suppress the emotion.

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Sometimes I try to bring out painful memories just to feel how my heart aches. I know it sounds weird but at some point I thought I am broken,I was so numb and felt like nothing can hurt me,I was just plain damaged. So once in a while I just think of him telling me all of those lies,or I just think of his new girl's e-mail/video...anything... And when I get that kick in the gut feeling,the familiar chest pain,the dizziness,the overwhelming fear,the heartbeat...and at that moment I feel alive. I am happy I did not lose the ability to feel. But also I am trying to make the feeling go away , my weird way of coping with the attacks and I have to say they are not that intense that they used to be and it seems to me I am able to control the duration ...

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