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Drastic Haircuts and Children's Wellbeing

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I need to get my hair cut and would like to get it cut to jaw/chin length. My hair is to the middle of my back. I was just going to get it cut when the thought came to mind of my job. I am a teacher's assistent in a learning center, working with toddlers age 16 to 24 months. I was wondering what impact this would have on them. I do not want them to be scared of me. I also do not want to make them feel uncomfortable. I would like to know what are some thoughts you would have on this. Thanks for reading and your responses.

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I used to have hair down to the small of my back. Then I cut it nearly as short as you want it. I was miserable, and every time I tried to grow it out it would get to a very ugly, awkward middle length stage and I would cut it again to avoid that look. I've finally suffered through the awkward middle length stage, and my hair is nearly to the middle ofmy back... But it took years, and I regret the initial cut terribly.


If you're insistent on going shorter, do it in stages, don't cut it off all the once.

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I wouldn't worry, it's just your hair. They might be a bit curious, or even a bit taken aback, but this won't last more than an hour or so.

I remember when I had my daughter and she was about 10 months old when her dad shaved his shoulder length hair right off. She was totally freaked out at first. She made strange with him, but after she heard his voice she realized it was still her daddy.

When she was two I cut my hair from mid back, to a pixie cut. She still knew it was me, but for days I got "Mommy, what happen to you hair?"

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If you've ever worn it up, or in a tail, it won't look TOO different from the front.


And I agree with annony - keep in mind short hair, especially if you have a lot of body or curl, can be MORE work than long. My hair's almost to my waist atm - and it's easier to maintain than when it was short. If it's not behaving I just clip it into a tail or braid and be done with it - when it was short it took 30 minutes or more with the blow dryer to tame it into submission!

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I'm a hairdresser and did a lot of teachers hair. They always said the students commented on their new hair 'do', but got over it quickly. they may even tell you they don't like it!!! LOL


I'm 56 and stil have longish hair. Why don't you cut it just below your shoulders. You could angle it a little around your face, and still put it in a ponytail when you want. If it falls forward with out a clasp, it won't be so long that it fall in the diaper poo!!! lol


Then if you still want to go shorter later, you can. I always tell my customers, you can always cut more off, I can't put it back. I'm not one of those scissor happy stylists!!! lol

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