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Help me label my most dominating emotional feature


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Hi everyone, i'm a 21 year old male. I live in Australia and am currently in the stage of my life where i have become determined and found a greater purpose for my existence - that being art and living life through it. I often find myself in a state that i fear will forever bewilder me and elude a just description. Here is an example of said emotion...


during my Saturday, surfed all day, cooked dinner and talked with my brother about plans on renovations to his new home we are currently living in. 9.30 and everyone is asleep, i put the dog outside to recline into my room to draw. A slight warm breeze breaks through the nearly-over winter night air and i look up at the stars to the sound of the slow slosh of many eucalypt trees.. I get goosebumps all over my body and it feels like my heart just overflows with this feeling i cant explain.. like everything is special and i feel at a slight loss that i am standing there alone. The feeling manifests in my body like a slight vibration and i open my eyes a bit wider just to see a bit clearer and enjoy what im seeing/feeling. i sometimes spend up to an hour just bathing in the moment..


If someone can put a name to this emotion/feeling, they will have many of my thanks and respect.


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excellent thanks for the responses, although those aren't the perfect words for it - I figure the expanses of human emotion can't each have a name.





No, i dont emotions each can be broken down into a singular name. Emotions are highly complex, as someone who goes through mood swings from high to low, i know myself that i cannot describe how i feel, in a matter of 'one' word. You may be able to in certain circumstances pinpoint your emotion at that time to one word, though, if you really start analyzing it, youll likely find you can start to chain/link/thread words to describe your emotion. Depends how deep you want to go.

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