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So I told my story on here long ago. I started dating my best friend after 6 years of friendship. She left me for another guy, but this guy had been trying to steal her from me since we started dating and she knew how much I disliked the guy but said she valued his friendship so I respected that. When she started dating him I cut off all ties with her. She blamed the whole relationship on me saying she couldn't trust me, she was tired of long distance(8 hours apart), she wants to be single for a while etc. Well three weeks later she is in another long distance relationship with this guy(6 hours apart). Throughout the break up the past six months, she has tried to contact me and make me jealous both indirectly and directly. She posts how happy she is on FB and tries to show how great her life is. After the break up all of our mutual friends cut her off so now she has no one from college who keeps in contact with her.


Well recently she broke up with her boyfriend for a few days, then they got back together but she tried to friend me on FB and also contacted me via FB and email. She also conveniently contacted me while I was on vacation with another girl who she knew. Finally I called her out and asked her why she was doing this when I told her to never talk to me again. She said she was trying to open the lines of communication because she still wanted to be friends. I told her again to never communicate with me again in a mean email which I have never done to her. I told her she is being selfish and she has been immature and just plain old mean through the whole thing. I then wrote an apologetic email because I have a very guilty conscious and I felt bad. Since then I have not heard from her.


We dated for two years so I was certainly in love with her, and I was also trying to move to be closer to her because we wanted to move in together and I was tired of the job I was working so I though why not. First of all, why is she doing this when she is so conveintely alone and what can I do to get over her because even though I told her I never want to talk to her again, I still love her with all of my heart and want her to be a part of my life. But how can I do it with this guy around? I just can't be civil with her when she is dating him. It would make me look like a fool. I apologize for the length but any help would be greatly appreciated.

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She's lonely and needs validation? Maybe she does miss you i;n a way, but yeah... Feeling alone. Wants sb to keep her emotionally validated for the time being. I'd suggest not replying her and living your life. After the break up, she acts pretty heartlessly doing those things instead of holding back alittle like any empathetic person would have done. Don't let her play you.

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The true meaning of No Contact is to just let her go. Completely.


As in, even if she does contact you, you don't respond.


It's actually quite simple once you get the hang out it


I hear ya, that was the first thing I said to her in 5 months. In retrospect I wish I didn't say anything but now people are saying the day after I sent her the email she put up a whole bunch of pictures of him and her I guess manipulating. Very funny I must say.

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Your priority should be to stop wanting her. Think about it: If you knew she did this to other guys, post pictures and messages about how happy she is to make them jealous. If she did that to her exes, and you knew you'd be next if you date her, even if you dated her you wouldn't let yourself fall for her if you knew that right off the bat, right? So try to use that as a motivator to stop wanting her, because she isn't a good person. Move on.

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I hear ya, that was the first thing I said to her in 5 months. In retrospect I wish I didn't say anything but now people are saying the day after I sent her the email she put up a whole bunch of pictures of him and her I guess manipulating. Very funny I must say.


Ha, that makes me laugh. Her attempts at mind-playing games are literally useless unless you give into them.


You're doing better than you think you are, keep it up.

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You have done the hard part telling her you dont want anymore contact. She may just be angry at you that dont want her anymore, rejected her haha! Thats sad trying to make you jealous on facebook acting like shes not bothered when she probably is. Not a very honest person by the sounds of it.

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Yeah it has been a tough road. I truly loved the girl and the fact we were so close over a span of 8 years makes it tougher. Her facebook mind games though should be a good indication of what type of person she is and how she feels about me as a person and her "best friend." I was always by her side in any arguments she got into and always there for her when she needed me.


I love the girl tremendously, that's why at 6 months I am still not over it. There is no way however I could look myself in the mirror if I just acted like being friends was fine when she left me for the one guy that would end any chance of friendship. She now has nothing but him in her life so I hope it was worth it in the long run. I think I have done all I can at this point and it is her that threw it away so it is her that can live with that on her mind.

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