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The finer details of...hand jobs

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Justa quick Question do you guys prefer some sort of lubrication to be used when recieving a hand job from a chick?


And girls how many of you actually use lubricationw hen giving a hand job?


I've heard its heaps better for the guys but its really not that convenient, does it matter that much?

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Is this a pre-game/foreplay only type thing you are looking for or a full-blown handjob? If the guy is uncut, then you probably wouldn't be needing much of a lubrication since it's skin-against-skin. Otherwise, if he is cut, you don't want to sandpaper his pen|s, do you? Even a good old spit&polish wouldn't be enough, at least in my case. Some say that the pre-cum should make things slippery, but it gets sticky after a short while and younger folks can't produce that much pre-cum anyway.


Lubrication is vital, we have come a long way, why not use the damned thing. Good lubes: astroglide, baby oil, KY with a bit of spray water just to name a few. With astroglide you can even do oral but not with KY.

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ya thats why ive never attempted a hj with my bf b/c i wasnt sure if lube was needed and what to use if i do. i didnt know if baby oil was okay so its good to know. but im surprised that there wasnt exactly a majority in preference, i believe 2 guys said without lube and 2 or 3 said with. hmm.....well...maybe i should talk to him about it. but ya thanks for the input everyone. as well, is a hj more pleasurable then a bj??

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well as u guy i mean just a h/j feels great but the lube adds a little extra so yeah but it doesnt have to be $50 a bottle stuff like she said saliva works its warm if ur to unsure talk to ur bf and see what he likes better but dont do anything u or ur partner arent comfortable with

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