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hello friends i have a problem but i really don't know my self anymore . yhea i took med's like zolof and stuff like that and yes i know it stops working after 9 mnt's to a year i know this i have been up and down this road befor, just don't know were i stand on things am i a lost soul i wander about that or did my soul die and i didn't know . i wants said that me and death are the same we are empty . just a void . idon't worry about were i end up. did i lose my soul when i lost my faith? but i don't know what it is going to take to make it here. do i still believe in him yes i know some that don't just can't find my place in this world . everyone is good at something so whats my excuse. just drag my feet throw life . i so want to change don't know maybe i stopped careing or maybe what im good at is getting my self in a bigger mess the anyone els can. lol

i may not be a smart man or the best looking defantly am not the luckiest. but some time's i feel like i am there are a few that i call friend .

and there is one that i call my love .

i just wish that someone can help befor i lose my mind but aging thats nothing new this may seem like the diary of a mad man .

but trust me im seeing clearly maybe you just don't see that.


so i await your jugdement your friend hardcore :scramble:

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Hi Hardcore,

I think it would be a good idea to see your doctor about the meds. Maybe he needs to adjust the dosage or add something or even change it. Do look into this as soon as possible.


You know, we are each alone but here we have each other. Do you go anywhere to socialize? There might be places where people of your same age hang out at. You could meet someone special there. I don't know what age that is though--you could be my age . Life is too short.

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You know I tell you everyday how good you are at making me feel better about myself. I saw the pic of the car you rebuilt, and that takes talent. You are gifted in so many ways, you just can't see it.


As for the meds, you should see MD aobut upping dose or trying new med; occasionally the doseage isn't enough after awhile, but shouldn't totally stop working...See a doctor asap!!!!!




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