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Boyfriend gone overseas for a month :(

dark angel9

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Been together for 6 months and I need some outside prospective.


He booked this trip to his homeland to visit his family and friends before we met. After we got serious, he invited me to come with him. I couldn't because of work.


He left 2 days ago. Since then he has sent me couple of texts to tell me that he arrived safely. He is usually extremely affectionate and romantic. But he didn't cry at the airport (note: he will be gone for a month) and he is the type that cries a lot. He has sent me a long e-mail today, detailing how he visited relatives and how much fun he had. He never wrote "I love you". He barely threw in: missing ya at the end.


He just seems TOO happy to be there. He even posted a FB status: "I am having a wonderful time on my break and re-charging my batteries!"


Am I over-reacting? Is it really possible to be that happy even when you are apart from the one you love?


Or should I take this to mean that he isn't as in love with me as I thought?

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Yes, you are over-reacting. You can't always be at the top of someone's priority list when they have other exciting things to do. He's meeting family and friends and having a great time - let him enjoy himself.

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You are going to fail in this relationship so hard if you don't change the way you think. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is ridiculously immature. Do you expect him to be super upset right now? He's back in his home town having a great time with his family and friends, that's awesome he's close with them. You are important to him but you aren't his whole life. You both need independance and time to yourselves. Time apart like this is awesome for you two, make the most of it instead of moping that he's gone and over analysing everything he writes. I'm sure he misses you but he is coming back. I can't blame him for not saying I miss you and dribbling on like that, he's having fun! Have your own fun without him as well.

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You are overreacting. I know a while ago I'd have thought the same thing but you must try to force yourself not to let it bother you. You love him and he's happy, he clearly wants to share that happiness with you otherwise he wouldn't email you about how good things are. Wouldn't you feel happy to finally see your family and friends after a long time? You should learn to feel good about your partner's successes and joys even when they are not about you, because he'll be appreciating that and feel like you two are on the same team.

He even invited you to go along, doesn't that prove he cares about you, enough?


It is healthy for him to be having fun, he is not doing anything wrong like having fun at your expenses or so. Just make the best of the time you are apart and think of all the fun stuff you can talk about once he's back home. It is better to have a balanced life and be able to have many sources of happiness, otherwise when the only source of it is gone, one would just become desperate. When you feel insecure about his feelings, just think of all the times he showed he loved you and realize he doesn't need to constantly show it in order for it to be true

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It just makes me feel gutted. He is re-charging his batteries from what? ME?


Waaay over reacting. Maybe he is recharging about life in general? Work? People get tired and need holidays. That is a fact of life. If he loves his family and friends and is having a great time this is a GOOD thing. If he hated his family and friends I would be worried. That would be a hint to run for me. What are you gutted about? Would you rather he was unhappy on his holidays and having a crappy time? People NEED to recharge to be happy in life and keep going. People can love other people besides the people they are "in love " with. They love family and friends. Not all love is about "in love" and all kinds of love are just as important, but it does not make the love between you any less so RELAX. It is 30 days, make yourself busy and stop worrying about yourself.

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