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it still hurts.. whats wrong

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I broke up with the girl I was living with for a year, and going out with for a year and a half. She dumped me.

Its been over 3 weeks since it happened and the first week was horrible, I cried a lot and didn't eat anything. The next 2 weeks were better, but the past few days I just keep thinking about past memories together and I can't stop myself from doing so. It hurts me a lot inside and half the nights I cry myself to sleep missing her. We still talk once a day or every other day for a few minutes, maybe I should stop doing this?

She wants to be friends still and I want that too but I don't want to hold on to all of my past emotions and maybe the only way for me to really let go is to stop talking to her.

I've been out every night til odd hours of the morning the past 2 weeks with old friends or going to parties and drinking having a good time. But when I get home the first thing I think of is her and then I lose it.


Does anyone have any suggestions? How can I forget about the past, to let go of her and stop loving her? It hurts too much.

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I dont think there is any way you can get over her with quickly.. emotions arent like a TV where you can switch them on and off.. and being with her for so long an living with her its going to be soo painful.. but you have to keep urself healthy and eating and doing the things you would normally do to keep ur mind off whats happened.. I guess with in time you will understand why it happened and learn from it.. becuase everything happens for a reason.. but with some people poetry.. or writing songs can release the pain.. writing how you miss her.. but i guess you have to close the door and bring back ur diginity...


i hope it helped.. ive never lived with nething that ive felt for.. but yeh.. lots of pop break up music.. or heavy metal!!!

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well it depends.. if she was your first love then you probally wont get over her.. thats what people say anyways.. u always have an empty spot from your first love.. if she wasnt then its all about time.. time is the best and longest cure.. theres so much healing to do no wonder it takes so long.. i no youve bin waiting a long time now.. but theres nothing anyone can do or say to help you.. thats why people dont see the meaning in love.. it hurts so much and sometimes never goes away.. but if youve bin getting better over the last 2 weeks.. and its only bin 3 weeks give it another month to be safe.. if u dont get over her by then.. then well im sorry to say you probally wont.. but maybe you guys will get back toghter too.. talk to her.. im not sure how old you are.. so if your a lot older than me..lol.. then you could have a positive future with her and you shouldnt let that go..your thinking about her now because you guys must have so many memories over the last year and a half.. good and bad.. poerty does help as well.. but i find it makes me worse at the same time.. i get all my feelings out.. but then it makes me think more.. anyways theres not really anything else that i can say.. sorry i cant help with this.. good luck.. heal soon

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Its only been 3 weeks my good man! Don't even worry about it. Its been 5 for me and I still have my moments where it feels like month 1! Dont worry, keep your headup, try to take your space and not talk to her everyday. I recommend you sit down and tell her youd like 1 month of space not because you have anything against her infact its because you love her so much you need to get back on your own 2 feet. Just wait that 1 month and you will be able to have alot of clarity. Best of luck! You'll be fine, its an incredibly interesting phase I'll never forget. I almost miss the times of recovery.

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