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Ok so after texting me to say happy birthday and i love you we had talked and things went well, she said she would text me later on but didnt because her boyfriend was over. So today i texted her and she responded sounding happy as usual so we made small talk and i asked what she was up to for the day, i was thinking shed say she was spending another day with her boyfriend, but all she said was i dunno. So i sat back and thought for a second about what to say before typing up "it sounds like you have plans with him to me haha" and she said no i dont want to see him i sort of dont want to get sick of him you know?


This isnt the first time shes said weird things or sounded less than happy over this guy. Yesterday the subject of how much he loved her came up because he had a habit of yelling at her really really badly but hasnt recently, so i said "its easy to change when you give him so much love" to which she said "yeah i guess". Ive asked people whether or not shes out of love with me but nobody will answer me straight up (seriously i cant get a no she doesnt out of ANYBODY) I've given her a few weeks at a time of NC and only responded when she sent me a message that seemed to want a response. Im doing this very carefully since 3 years in highschool is an achievement in its own and im not ready to give it up. Im thinking over everything i say and acting friendly, but non-caring as much as possible but mostly it boils down to simple conversation. Any help on what to do next or opinions on what shes feeling would be even better this site hasnt failed me yet.



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you seem like a really nice guy, maybe she sees how great you are and doesnt want to hurt you by being overly happy about her boyfriend...not all girls are mean.or maybe she does have feelings for you.honestly, the only way to really find out is to ask her, sounds crazy i know but think about it...if you ask and she says no then atleast you put yourself out there-no regrets. if you ask and she sounds unsure then your still confused but its probly a sign you need to move on..find something a little more clear. anddddddddddd if you ask and she says yes then you got what you wanted. sorry if this didnt help. let me know what happens


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ive actually talked to her about it, ive sort of asked her if she still loves me and if she'll just say no to let me move on (not one of my better decisions) and the only answer i ever get is "shut up you dont know what i want or whats good for me" but i havent asked such a stupid question but once, maybe twice awhile ago.


Im not ready to ask her because i sort of like wondering about her atm and at least being on an excellent level conversationally and possibly emotionally. Ill keep posting as new things happen which is pretty much every day so keep checking and thanks for the advice.



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