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career-dads say do this and do that

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tell u something about myself at 23 yr old male chinese i took 1 yr program certificate IT (computer tech) at a community college and right now taking a 2 yr dilpoma program at another CC for busiess managment.

today my dad like what are u doing after u finish ur Bus program, i'm like find a job or go for a degree in Bus. he's like why don't u take plumbing or refraigator mechanics- i'm like why would i want to take that and its no even related to what i have tooken-what u want me to be the jack of all trades. what he like about the plumbing and refriegtor trade is that u can work at an independent contractor and make way more than working for somebody else and u get to set ur own timetable. but can't u do that with any job not just plumbing and refridgertor mech


i'm not sure but dad is gettin annoying sometimes-hes like sometimes he be like obessing for me to go get a CGA(accoutning degree thing),or go be a finanical planner or MBA, or times it be go be a plumber or refragtor mechnaics. one thing lies in it all they all make great money, but so do a lot of jobs-i want to do a job i like and make good money than a job i hate doing it for like 40 yrs of my life. i'm not exactly gettin younger i am 23 and msot ppl my age are like getttin their careers started not thinking of what they should do for each career.

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well, you must realize that he only wants what is best for you. But the choice is ultamitly up to you, and you should do what you think is best for you. Dont be rude to your father just realize he is trying to give you other ideas and only wants what is best for you. All I am saying is at least listen to him, but it sounds like you already know what you want to do, and if this is so then go through with it, only you can make those kinds of decisions. You need to do something that you will be happy doing, just explain to your dad why you are making the decisions you are, I am sure he will be understanding.

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Hi Joe, it's me again.


If you don't recognize me I'm the one who justed posted in your other topic "treated like a 13 year old)


Anyway, my dad is the same my, my family has a big thing about being your own boss so you must become a doctor or dentist (surprise, surprise-we're Asian) so I didn't do well enough in school to get into medecine so I thought I'd start out doing a science degree in University and work my way up. My dad is a reseacher in Neurobiology or something like that and said if I didn't get into med school with the science I'd hate being in research, so he told me to go into nursing and stupid me, I listened to him. So now at 23 I have a bachelors in nursing from the Université de Montréal (plus I had to do the whole degree in french ARGH! -torture). I do not want to be a nurse. I'm now reenrolled in school for a second bachelors this time at Concordia University in english and doing what I want- I never consulted my dad and have made it pretty clear that he's the brunt of my unhappiness with the nursing (and dating-see other post) thing. So he's now left my alone in my career decision. In the end, it pretty much comes down to doing what you want, isn't it?

I mean, 20 years from now you don't want to look back and regret it.


I know it's tough and will take courage to disobey or displease your parents, but it the end you're the one who'll have to live with the decisions.


Anway, again hope I helped a bit.

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Joe dude,


Its me again too - hee hee Yes, I couldn't have said it better myself vimora. You have to do WHAT YOU WANT when it comes down to career -as a matter of fact - life in general!! I mean, I know - asian parents mean well, but it just doesn't work - and yes, some of their traditions I hold dear to my heart and will practice it if I have my own family someday, but sometimes, they just have to let go, and stop being so protective and overbearing.


My parents wanted me to be a dentist - ewwww looking at other people's smelly mouths all day wasn't my idea of fun. Luckily, I never did listen to my parents (well - accept on some things) - and I had a right too because I really like this particular subject in university and did really well in it, and it grew into a career - I was lucky in a way - its still hard work though, but, hey, I guess anything is.


So yes, they were disappointed at first that I didn't become a doctor or a lawyer, but hey - THEY WILL GET OVER IT - that's what parents do - no matter what you do, they will still love you - and if they don't, they aren't really good parents (sorry - you'll probably have some issues here if that's the case, but hey - you can go see a therapist or pick up any self help book ).


Anyways, my parents now just tell me their disappointed in me only once a week (it was 3 times a week a year ago), and avoid talking to me when I'm over there, but hey - its getting better! Joking 8) No really - they are happy with what I do - actually, they always brag to my other relatives about me - so goes to show you - DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS when it comes to your own career (other stuff, okay, but not career - that includes you vimora! listen to your dad and get rid of the persian boyfriend! - joking again! - no really, I'm sure your dad knows too - he just doesn't understand - but hang in there. Again, deep down, your dad loves you no matter what you do or who you marry - try to maybe ease him into meeting your boyfriend maybe).


Good luck and take care.

Hi yaaah!

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