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Ex emailed to ask if I wanted pictures before she took them down

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Topic says it all. Ex emailed me to ask if I wanted any of our pictures together/pictures taken with my family before she took them down etc. Kind of held out hope for reconciliation. My bad. Its def. over.


What do I respond with?

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lol good to see you mtom! So don't respond? I really do not think this is a veiled attempt at anything. And I'm okay with that.


Firstly ask yourself why did they write you that letter?


So that you can say "Yes i want pictures of us/you because I care about you!"


Why would you want pictures of someone that has dumped you? Its a really inconsiderate thing to ask really.


Id reply back something very very very short (because I hate leaving people hanging when they message you, its only best to be rude if they do it regularly).

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edit - i re-read some of your old threads and she definitely has an agenda. I'm not even going to begin to get inside of her head to understand why she can't let you go after being with a rebound almost instantly, but trust me, this isn't some kind notion, she wants a reaction.

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Meh, agenda or no I didn't want the pictures so I told her that and thanked her for the offer.


NC for a month now...she's initiated it every 2 weeks or so for mundane crap. Next time I get to figure out how to give the "leave me alone" speech lol.

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The leave me alone speech is simply silence buddy.

You did good saying no and thankyou but to be honest what were you thanking her for?

The lame attempt at fishing to see if you still cared about her?

Was there such a rush to take the pics down?

Could she have not just saved them anyway in anothe folder in her computer just in case?


My ex started untagging herself from our beautiful pics together after 3 months of NC.

I took it as her trying to fish. She's not the sort of person to ever delete things and we left on good terms.

Fishing fishing fishing- for what reason, who knows?

I blocked her and carried on with my life.


In two weeks when she tries something else, don't respond at all.

That is your best course of action IMO.


Good luck.

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