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What not to do, something I learned the wrong way.

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I used to think that people who were recently broken up with were only ones vulnerable to being taken advantage of.


Long story short, rebounding with someone you're not that interested in, isn't good for both parties.


My BU was a couple months ago. A few weeks afterwards I got in contact with a girl I've known from online. We played a video game together online and we decided to meet up for the first time and watch a movie on a complete whim, we both drove an hour and a half and met in the middle. The movie was awful and I had all the wrong reasons for doing this, but I made a move. We kissed and I put my arm around her. I never was very attracted to her, and I still wasn't, but it felt nice. I was a terrible mess at the time, but I was slightly interested in her. The better I felt the more I realized I wasn't interested in her. But I wasn't going to cut it off, for whatever reason I really liked seeing her. I let her visit once and we cuddled and watched a couple movies.


Eventually I had to cut it off, I just wasn't feeling it, and I had a craving to be alone and grow.


The truth is I used her to cope, I used her to show myself and show my ex that I could date someone too. I took advantage of her.


I checked her facebook today, which I haven't done in awhile. It's been nothing but upset facebook status's since I cut it off.


I feel horrible, but what can I do? I had already taken advantage of her without being conscious of it happening, I want to apologize, I want to explain that I didn't know what I was doing. I want to make excuses.


Convincing her that I'm a good guy who messed up would only make her pain worse. It's probably the best that she thinks I'm inconsiderate and selfish, and that is true about me in this phase of my life.


The best thing she can do is move on, the best thing I can do is deal with the guilt and learn from it.

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while you were going out with her, did you tell her about what you were going thru?


i did something similar before, but i did tell him i was having a BU. but i still did stupid thing like held hands and even kissed. after that i told him that was a mistake, but he already fallen for me. i didn't mislead him after that but he still got hurt.

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