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Need to lose more weight

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I posted a thread awhile ago about weight loss..i must have lost probably about 10-15lbs..some might have been water weight etc..i do good at times and then get on my binges like after drinking so i have been trying really cut back on going out to places where i would feel pressure to drink.


I had a bad reaction last week to wine..i only had a few glasses which i can usually handle..i was very sick the whole night and for the next week i just really didn't eat well at all. I was 190 when i checked my weight before beginning my work out..i lost weight and was about 173 and it tends to fluctuate up and down a bit..i weighed myself tonight and it was 180 and i know it was at night so it makes a difference but still..was unhappy when i saw that..


i don't feel overweight..i have a curvy body and am about 5'7..i think i have some strength so i don't just look fat. But i would ideally like to be about 165..i want to feel comfortable wearing jeans and a tank top without having muffin top or a stomach where i feel too uncomfortable to sit down without a sweater on.


Friends who are naturally skinny don't seem to understand this..one friend said oh that's too skinny..and i said flat out i should be comfortable where i have my stomach fat hanging?..i don't want to go a size bigger in jeans. It's almost like she didn't want me to lose weight..she joked saying she wants me plump and i look healthier..i know she is genuinly concerned but i dont feel comfortable at this weight..it makes me more angry and determined to do it


I just feel down tonight..im going to be 27 soon and i don't feel comfortable enough to go on dates in the summer looking like this..i dont look horrible but i would like to lose more weight and feel more confident. I think it will prevent me from meeting someone eventually. Just frustrated all around i guess.

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I'm 5'8" and I have to weigh between 125 and 130 to look that lean. How on earth do you look that way at 165? I'm about that and I do NOT have a flat stomach. I have lost over 20 lbs. in the last 2 months, so I'm on the right track, but it will be awhile before I don't bulge anywhere.

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