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Rebound, distraction, or what?

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5 months post-breakup and I have been seeing the same guy for about a month now. He is the only person that makes me feel different from what I've been feeling post-breakup and I really do like him. We have a lot of things in common, he's really good looking, and we have a strong chemistry. Since the BU is still a little fresh, I decided to put the sex-part on hold and he understands too though he doesn't really now about the BU. I think he's one to take things slow and he probably thinks I'm just the same.


Here's the problem though: about half of the times I kiss him, I think of the ex. I still have dreams of the ex once a week. He's still on my mind about 50% of the time. There's just too many triggers of him everywhere I go. I also still cry over him quite a lot (everyday for the past week) though I have periods of time where I don't at all (went 10 days without crying once).


Does this seem like he's just a distraction, a rebound, or what? And should I still be holding back like this 5 months post-BU?


I really feel like I like this guy but I'm afraid that it might just be that rebound feeling and I don't want to hurt him or use him. I don't understand it.


I'm not even sure what I'm asking exactly but I need some feedback/to vent.

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I think you need to be honest with this guy. I'm kinda doing the same thing you are. I'm close to 2 months post-breakup (4 month relationship) and just had a "meet up" with someone yesterday from OKC. He was a nice guy, attractive, conversation flowed easily, and we have another date for Saturday night.


I'm not really sure what it is that I'm looking for. I know I'm in my final stages of healing, but I still have some set-backs. I think I just want someone to hang out with and if something romantic develops then that's cool. But I'm gonna take it REALLY SLOW.


The thing is, if you notice that your guy is getting too into you and is very serious about it, then you'll have to end it. It's just not fair.

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nsomnia912. - I thought I had it together. I waited nearly four months to even date. It's just taking more than I thought I guess.


Lavender - you're right. I think we are both just taking things slow so it shouldn't be a problem. I don't want to end things but maybe just take things a little slower. He's the only one that manages to make me feel good though which is a problem.


He's the complete opposite of my ex too so I don't know. It's not like I want to get back with my ex either.

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