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I don't love my family anymore


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Tonight has become the beginning of the end of any love or affection I have for my family especially my mother. There is this need to constantly change even when I'm taking positive steps on my own yet they never practice what they preach. Because my passive aggressive hypocrite of a mother didn't get me to do what she wanted she did something that nearly made my life turn into yet another surreal nightmare tonight. I am embarrassed to say what happened except I was glad I stayed calm throughout the process and was able to prove myself.


Since my mother wanted something else to happen to me, she not only refused to pick me up, she told everyone else as well. This wasn't tough love or teaching me a lesson, she was just being vindictive cause she didn't get her way. i had to walk nearly somewhere around 14 miles just to get back.


I'm sitting here now, angry but trying not to let it out. I feel so powerless and unsure how to deal with this. I made the decision that in the next month or two, I'm going to save as much money as possible and I'm not only getting out of here, I want nothing to do with my family ever again. I try to be grateful for all they have done...but that does not justify the pain they cause. It's either leave them for good or suicide.

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I'm sorry you feel this way. I am unaware of what your situation is. However, are you sure that you cannot sit down with your family and have a healthy discussion. I think you should atleast consider expressing yourself to them about how you feel and how their behaviour affects you.

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It is really hard to say if your family is toxic or you are a person who is upset that they don't get "their way" without any details, or that your family has boundaries. I really think that while your mother may be passive aggressive, you are being awfully dramatic, too (the only options being leaving your family or suicide). Why not just move out of your family's house if that is where you live? My relationship with my parents was soooo much better after I was on my own. And no one can make you do what you don't want unless you play the game of refusing to tell people "no" but then complaining.

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It is really hard to say if your family is toxic or you are a person who is upset that they don't get "their way" without any details, or that your family has boundaries. I really think that while your mother may be passive aggressive, you are being awfully dramatic, too (the only options being leaving your family or suicide). Why not just move out of your family's house if that is where you live? My relationship with my parents was soooo much better after I was on my own. And no one can make you do what you don't want unless you play the game of refusing to tell people "no" but then complaining.


well of course I would move out...if that were a feasible option. And like I said I can't get in the situation, but if I did something wrong, then I wouldn't be sitting here typing this. dramatic or not, those are my only options....it may be vague, but this is too much. You know what it doesn't even matter...believe whatever the hell you want...I'm too tired to care anymore.

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