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I can't find a job anywhere, losing hope :/

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I feel like I'm absolutely worthless.


I have applied for every job possible for the past few months and nothing.


I'm have been currently doing weekend work for a shop but they will not take me on full time as they are not employing full timers at the moment.


I seriously feel like I've got no hope in my life. I have all these dreams which are unachievable. I will forever be stuck in my crappy life.




I want to move countries actually. I don't like it here and I know the city I want to move to has a lot of employment opportunities.


I need over $4000 though if I want to do that so desperately trying to save up enough money to do so


I know exactly how you feel. I have been in the same boat for over a year. I'm going back to school in hopes that will give me better contacts.


Another thing I have been doing, volunteer work. I swear, its slow but it works, get a volunteer job at a small place, after a few months ask if it would be possible to make you an unpaid intern. Even if you don't end up getting a paying job at that particular place, now you can put an internship on your resume AND have great references.


Hey Voguester, I totally know how you feel. I'm from the same place and it was literally very hard to get full time jobs here.


If you've tried everything, have you tried asking your friends to introduce you to their workplace?


Have you tried Maccas? I know that sounds completely horrendous but most places won't hire you unless you have experience so even if it's Maccas, it would be good to build up that reference list/ experience slowly.


Is there anything you enjoy or think you're great at?


It's really easy losing hope and getting depressed when you're unemployed, I felt * * * * too and wondered why no one wanted me. I still do sometimes but I like to think that maybe I wasn't meant for this and meant for greater things, I just haven't found it yet.


Keep the hopes up.


Hey Voguester!


I know exactly how you feel cos I am in almost the exact same position. I'm pretty downhearted about living in Australia at the moment. I live in Perth and supposedly we are doing well because of the mining industry but personally I'm not seeing the benefit of it. For me, it seems harder to get a job and more expensive to live. I've returned from traveling and I've been trying to get back into working in retail until I can sort myself out for longer term and even given that I have a number of years experience in retail I don't even seem to even be able to get an interview anywhere. I don't remember it being this difficult before or having this much competition for fairly low paying retail jobs. Another thing I've noticed is most jobs in retail are casual jobs for working on the weekend and full time work is scarce. ](*,)


Basically, as much as it sucks and as much as saying so it doesn't change your situation, it is NOT your fault. Times are tough so try and not be too harsh on yourself or be too pessimistic about your future despite this. Things will pick up for you and opportunities will arise if you keep faith.


Without knowing how old you are or what your aspirations are or even what your qualifications are, my advice to you would be to take any job you can get in the meantime (if you weren't already planning to) even if it is McDonald's and work to save up the $4000 dollars to make a move. Sometimes a change of scene can get you out of the funk and get things moving for you again.


Out of interest, is the place you are considering moving to a bigger city in Australia? Or is it overseas? I'm really tempted to try somewhere else, another country, teach English abroad or something because being in this situation is making me more and more depressed.



Good luck!


Thankyou everyone for your helpful answers. I'm starting to feel more positive about my situation because I am very able to find a job and keep it, I just need to keep looking - I've been applying for anything in customer service and it's not like it will be my career, I just need to save up and really stick to a strict budget.


Hopefully something will come up this week on the employment front but if not, I'll keep looking and going to job agencies.


My ultimate goal is to save up the $4000 for the WHV and $2500 for flights, I have a family member who I am able to stat with once I move overseas and there are so many job opportunities over there so I'm not worried about that.

I would also really like to take a night class over there in something, maybe art because I'm really interested in that and it's a great way to meet new people.


Sure I might sound like a dreamer but I know I can do this, I just need to stay motivated and save up as much money as possible.


It's hard not to be discouraged. I'm in the same boat, unfortunately.


I live in a college down and it's ridiculously hard to find jobs here. I've pretty much applied to all the retail positions with openings, some restaurants, cleaning services, hotels, Wal-mart, Target, Grocery stores, etc. and not a single phone call. What makes it worse is that there aren't a lot of part-time jobs open right now, but they should stop cropping up in the next week or two, with fall semester just around the corner.


I really need a part-time job. I know someone suggested volunteer work, then an internship, but I don't know if I'd recommend it. I'm already a regular volunteer, but so far it's gotten me nowhere, and I cannot afford to work for free! I'm a full-time student and need to find a job.


I guess try not to think "oh it's me...they don't want to hire me." Really, it's just that there are a lot of people looking for work, so they can afford to be picky. Do anything that will make you stand out and appear more serious to potential employers.

I feel like I'm absolutely worthless.


I have applied for every job possible for the past few months and nothing.


I'm have been currently doing weekend work for a shop but they will not take me on full time as they are not employing full timers at the moment.


I seriously feel like I've got no hope in my life. I have all these dreams which are unachievable. I will forever be stuck in my crappy life.




Hey Voguester,


Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting a job at the moment, things are tricky out there at the moment but there are plenty of options! If you're thinking about getting out of the country paid work abroad might be a good idea, programmes like this one (wwww) .link removed.au/London-Calling-Live-and-Work-UK might be worth a shot, you can get out of the country, earn some cash and get some handy experience! If you want to chat to some other people thinking about working abroad, there are plenty of people to ask on our Facebook page here (www) .link removed or you can just come along and ask us


Hope this helps,


Cat at Real Gap


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