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It's been a year and 3 months, and I still can't get over this girl. I've tried dating other girls, she's all I can think about, and i "dream" about her and I back together quite often, however I don't think there is any chance of us getting back together, nor even being friends. We've talked a few times since, but haven't talked for at least 6 or 8 months now.


This is getting very depressing, and quite hard on me Any advice on what I can do?

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I can't tell you how much I've tried. I've dated like 5 or 6 other girls, tried sleeping with them to see if that would help, I joined the air force (although I got sent home cause of asthma), I've tried numorous things...



I've tried the no contact thing, and that helped a tiny bit, but didn't help considerable amounts...

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I can't tell you how much I've tried. I've dated like 5 or 6 other girls, tried sleeping with them to see if that would help, I joined the air force (although I got sent home cause of asthma), I've tried numorous things...



I've tried the no contact thing, and that helped a tiny bit, but didn't help considerable amounts...



Can I get some details on WHY you broke up - whom broke up with whom. Why are you still in no contact? Enough time has passed that if you are still thinking about her after all this time and no contact that it might be safe to say you should see if anything can/could be there. At least to get closure (i.e. when you see her again you might find reality is not same as your fantasy anymore!)


You have tried everything else to move on, forget her, so if you can, why not contact her and start to open the lines of communication again?

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We broke up because we both (her more however) decided our relationship was getting to serious for our age, and she lied to me ALOT so there was a big lack of trust on my part towards her. It wasn't supposed to be perminant, just to give us time to be our age. We haven't had contact because her parents don't allow us to talk after she called the police on me, so the few times we did talk, she snuck on the phone to talk to me. I don't think anything could/is there on her side of the fence. From what I understand she has this new boyfriend, that is this and that, but other people say this isn't true, and she has told me before she has a boyfriend, to later (about an hour) tell me it wasn't true, she just wanted me to be jealous. But in this case, I've just heard from people who have heard, so who knows what the truth really is?


The problem is, she has a lot of other problems, like depression, feeling of abandonment, etc... and she has turned to some really negative behavior... (i.e. smoking pot, drinking constantly, negative attention from guys). She never used to be like this, she was always real relaxed as far as behavior goes...


I've thought about writing her a letter, but if she is for some reason angry, or pissed off, I don't want her to try and get me in trouble. I have an extremely good job, so the last thing I need is negative attention. I'm still considering writing her a letter, but I do have doubts.



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Hmm, this is tricky as it seems she is probably not the same girl you loved before. At that age, you are still trying to find yourself (or lose yourself!) so she may have changed a LOT.


Do you want to be with whom she was before, or whom she is NOW? Because the girl she was might not be there, or at least not for a while.

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Even if there is the potential for more problems if she decides to show her parents the letter, or make a bunch of drama out of it? That's my problem... I'm not sure how she will take it, or what she will do with it...


I'm 19, I'm not supposed to be this serious about a relationship, so I don't know why I am

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