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should i have sex with her???


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Ok here the deal thanks to yalls help on another section i stayed with the girl who is my best friends ex. anyway things are going good and we like each other. we have been seeing each other for 2 weeks. we have been kissing a lot and yesterday i felt up her tits a little and she was messaging my dick(still with clothes on), haha its kinda funny cause we were in her living room and her mom walked in. anyway though, things are starting to heat up. she has told me that she wants to wait and make sure before having sex, but when she is with me she will somewhat go ahead with what im doing. she is a little shy. here is my question. should i have sex with her if the moment comes. or should we just maybe give each other hand sex. or something. what is the best thing to do. usually we just sit down and watch a movie while making out. the thing is the more she messages me the further i want to go. i guess ill just see what happens. i got condoms, but i guess ill just see. what is ur advice to me?

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My advice is Too Do whatever you feel is right, I'm 23 and I'm still a virgin, very much proud of it too, Im in no hurry, but times in the past it was very difficult for me to just stop in the middle of a heated moment and say "i'm not ready"


I see it like this my friend, Your in control of your own body, and so is she, do what you feel is right in your heart, not in your mind..if the love is reciprocal, and in the shape of a Circle, not a heart, Than i say your in good shape.


You loose something you only have one time in life, to someone you can say you love, not Lust. So think about that, because thats whats important.


In reference to the Circle shape love thing above, what i mean is "Hearts can be broken on the bend, But Circles are Forever."


laters - S4il

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Here is my opinion. You're 15. You've been with her for 2 weeks. You do the math. The only reason you'd be having sex with her is to fulfill your own lust. Consider the pros and the cons. The consequences of having sex for ANY reason are far more life changing than the rewards. She's right to wait until she's sure she's ready.


LOL! To be honest, the fact that your terminology seems a bit off and you won't even use a real word to describe your own sexual organ makes it pretty apparent to me that you are not mature enough to handle sex.

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lol, i said the D word, anyway umm. haha thanks for ur advice, and ur right about the hole lust thing. but i dont know. its hard to say no i think. ill just see and tell yall later. hell ive masturbated so many times thinking of girls. I think my virgenity is allready gone. but to say the truth we probably wont have sex, just maybe some 2 hand touch will be going down.

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hey. okay, my bf is my first bf and we've been together for 8 months now, and we didnt do anything sexual other then kissing until after 6 months. and he does go pretty far with it, hes a guy and gets carried away, i let it go pretty far, but im definitely not ready for sex, and he knows that we've had multiple hour long conversations on the topic. i told him that i dont want to be fingered, that oral sex is the boundry that he should use. but he does get carried away, and i sometimes do have to say "we have no protection". and he knows not to cross certain lines. so as a girl i know that i let my guy go pretty far as well and if we didnt talk about it we would probably be having sex by now. so you need to talk to her about sex, and how she feels about it, and you mentioned that you have talked about it, but i think you should go into more detail, but i dont think you should just do it if the moment comes. if she told you shes not ready then respect that and dont just get caught up in the moment. trust me it is sooo hard to say "ok...we should stop", trust me we WANT to, but someone has to responsible, and i have to say when thats it. so talk to her about it again, tell her that you're not sure if you should go further and that you want to talk to her about it. she'll be very happy that she has a bf who cares. but honestly a 2 week relationship at 15 shouldnt even be as far as it already is and it does sound like just lust. but you need to make those decisions and be responsible about things. but i know how hard it is for me to, and im a VERY RESPONSIBLE person, so maybe she just gets caught up in the moment herself.

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Hey, I agree with goddess. I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years and we're still waiting to have sex. We have oral sex and we'll manually masturbate each other. But we both understand that we want sex to be special for us because we're both virgins and we love each other very much. So we talked and decided to wait for a good time. I know he loves me because even when i get carried away, he's always the one to be responsible and pull back and say 'hey, we talked and I want this to special for you, so we'll wait.' I know how hard that is for him (being a guy), and so I love him that much more for it

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well, things aren't gonig that great . as i said before this girl is really shy. so anyway long story short she think that i move to fast, i mean shes only 13, i feel so bad that i did it to her, its just that she freezes up when i touch her, and she couldn't tell me to stop. she thinks i love her fro the wrong reasons. when i first started talking to her online i loved her for who she was, just being that we are both shy all we can do is make out when we are together without conversation. i hate it so i will save this question for another section. i need help making my girl happy but i dotn wanna do it sexually

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