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Out of character for me now, but....


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yestersday I was supposed to go out w/ a girl I have talked to a few times. Things being as they were we never got to go out. But after feeling so down about it, I went and got her some of her fave floers and took them to her house. Every one was asleep so I left the flowers and a note on her car saying I understood that sometimes things go other then we plan and that I hope you enjoy the flowers. I know to some ppl it sounds stupid, but I wanna know what ya think. I feel this is a step in going back to the roamtic (spelling) guy I used to be. and ladies, what would you think if some one did that? (note: I drove 2 hours to my bros house for the night, and she lives 45 min from him...for a total of almost 3 hrs from my own home)

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Whoa, bad idea with the flowers there. Why would you want to pay 20 bucks for flowers and drive 3 hours there and back for some chick you barely know? Anyway, what was the reason you guys didnt go out? If she cancelled the date, it is probably becuse she lost interest, and you should move on if that is the case.

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