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Travel and Culture

Help me go abroad


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I always dream of traveling all over the world since my childhood.


I always dream all the time of visiting each and every country in the world, meeting new people, staying in their houses, eating their food, learning their language, staying there, etc, etc...


But, How???


How can i achieve this? I'm no that rich to visit all the countries as a tourist.

Will any career allows and help me?

Can anyone get me a work permit?

Can anyone sponsor me?


Please suggest...

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well, there are many ways to accomplish this goal. you might look into volunteering with an organization - that might help offset costs and you will get to work in the local areas and get to know the people. what country are you from? if you are from the US - you can enroll in the peace corps. if you are a student, you can study abroad and get scholarships and loans to offset the cost.


some people take a year off and backpack and stay in hostels - that can be cheap.


work visas - i don't know much about and i think it has to do much with what skills you have for that country.

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Look into volunteering options with NGOs.

Look into working with UN Volunteers.

Become an anthropologist.

Become a development worker.

Become an engineer (Indian engineers are desired in lots of countries).

Become a journalist specialising in a particular part of the world/ foreign affairs.

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