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He enjoys oral more than actual sex. Is this normal?


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I think my boyfriend prefers Oral more than sex. He has told me that my oral techniques are by far the best he has ever experienced, and he said that I have given him the best orgasms he's ever had.


I'm just beginning to worry now though, because I think he enjoys BJ's more than the sex itself. And even though I love giving him oral sex and will happily indulge him in it whenever we're together - I am worried now that he enjoys the sex less because it doesn't feel as good as the BJ's.


I have noticed that he sometimes doesn't cum during sex - and seems to need a blow job at the end to help him climax, and although I don't mind this, I love having him inside me and wouldn't want to lose that aspect of the sexual relationship.


Is this normal for guys? Do some guys just find oral more pleasurable? I just want to know if I should be worried about this?

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My guy is the opposite. . Never cum for bjs or handjobs. My bf likes bjs but wont cum for it.

I hope your bf is at least satisfying you even though he wont cum for the vagina.


Exactly, its diffrent from person to person, you can talk to him about it but if he does "satisfying you even though he wont cum for the vagina." , dont worry to much. Talk honestly about it and work it out.

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I'm just beginning to worry now though, because I think he enjoys BJ's more than the sex itself.


Penetration is not everyone's cup of tea. And some people who do enjoy it may not classify it as his or her favourite thing.


I would not be worried unless he started refusing having penetration. Sex is a mutual activity and you should be trying to please each other. If you really enjoy penetration he should be making an effort to satisfy that. If he really enjoy BJs ideally you would be returning the favour. It's only worrisome when one or both people start getting selfish and only focusing on what they enjoy.

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Sink your teeth in a few times and he will change his tune! lol just kidding


I enjoy both but by far being inside the woman I am pleasing feels so much better. I am not selfish in bed in the least so maybe that is it. Since I am receiving and not giving I may be feeling a little selfish and not enjoying myself as much. I get off more knowing I am making her feel fanatastic than my own pleasure.


How about you make it part of foreplay and then transition into vaginal sex and after you have orgasmed finish him off with oral.


He does go down on you right?



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i dont think girls really understand how much guys have to concentrate during sex (sometimes)

whereas for a bj/hj/tw ... just let go and enjoy it.


everyone is different though, as long aas you're both satisfied and you don't mind doing that for him who cares what he enjoys more?

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Yes, I agree - there is some element of concentration involved in penetration (as well as making sure limbs don't go numb, propping yourself up, thrusting hips, etc. - basically exercising (requiring pumping of the heart and blood being sent to the muscles concerned) whilst also trying to maintain blood flow to the 'vital organ' so as not to go limp, and then also worrying about whether you will cum or not and on top of this worrying about whether you are satisfying the woman. It's not the most stress-free event I can think of. Oral sex is comparatively less taxing.

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^^^ Holy crap. I never realised how much work it was for a man. D: No wonder a lot of guys like girl on top.


I had an ex who used to enjoy bjs more than the sex itself. Partly because he was kinda on the thin side and I wasn't snug enough for him, and also because he enjoyed my bjs a little too much. It got to the point where he could never return the favour. Regardless, I don't think you should worry but if he only wants bjs and no vag then you have a problem.


Try talking to him about it?

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Yes, I agree - there is some element of concentration involved in penetration (as well as making sure limbs don't go numb, propping yourself up, thrusting hips, etc. - basically exercising (requiring pumping of the heart and blood being sent to the muscles concerned) whilst also trying to maintain blood flow to the 'vital organ' so as not to go limp, and then also worrying about whether you will cum or not and on top of this worrying about whether you are satisfying the woman. It's not the most stress-free event I can think of. Oral sex is comparatively less taxing.


I think you may be over thinking it!

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my ex told me he only came from having sex, and would never from bjs... but then he met me, lol, and he started to like bjs more than having sex as well.. I think it's definitely for reasons above.. it's more relaxing for them, and if their partner is good at it, then of course!

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