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Babysit What should i Do ?

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My ex has just come back from vacation with kids and has asked me to babysit at her house while she goes out on the tiles with her friend. Will not be in till 2am in morning and originally wanted to pay for me taxi home but i saisd i wasnt messing about and would stay over in spare room. What should i do ? i feel as if i am giving her opportunity to go out and meet other men while i look after kids as the bar she frequents is a pick up joint. i still love her and want her back but dont want to get hurt by doing this sort of thing. Any suggestions ?

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It sounds like a sort of test to me, how long were you two together? A very long time? if so maybe shes seeing how well her kids like you before she makes a decision that might lead to you and her going long term. I'd say babysit and show those kids the time of their lives. Even if she does end up with another guy it never hurts to try and besides you might have some fun yourself.



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we were together 6 years and one of kids is mine. the split was 6 months ago and i just feel i may be being used as she insisted she had lost all the love for me and it would never return. the split was acrimonious. maybe it is opportunity to show ive changed as we are having barbecue before she goes out. im not sure i trust her motives given how she feels

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