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what does my ex gf wants???????

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we had been together for 3 years (long-distanced relationship), and broke up a month ago. Well, right a week after she suggested breaking up, she coupled with another girl. She told me the reason she coupled with this gal is because they clicked real well and they have almost the same thinking, behavior etc. ok... and we still keep in touch as i hope to be with her again someday. One day i found out some cards in her drawer and read the contents of the card, obviously, she cheated on me when she was my gf (but she denied). But her current gf is another person. Well, i din tell her about the cards i found, and till now still pretended as if i knew nothing.


We chatted as if we are close friends, and as days pass.... she tells me about things she doesnt like in her new gf... and told me that probably god is just punishing her and letting her know that the new gf isnt THE ONE she wanted and i'm THE ONE she should have been with. She told me NOT to wait for her BUT on the other hand telling me that she HOPE that she can be with me in the future. I'm really confused! She sent me email saying the love she had for me will always remain in her heart etc. However, she said she can't stand long-distanced relationship because she needs to feel the physical closeness in order to feel love.


She told me she will give this new gf a try and if things doesn't work out by November, she will ask for a break up. And in December i will be back to her country. I don't know whether is she trying to get some other person while i'm away and come back to me again when i'm back???? Seems like she doesn't want me to wait for her BUT also hope that i still love her. What should i do??

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Let's see she cheated, she's with someone new, and she is already thinking she is moving on. Does not sound like the person I'd want to be with.


I'm not saying this could never work, as I can see someone in a long distance relationship cheating and them losing the desire to cheat when the person they want and love in there. But unless you are going to be living with or near her, I would not even try.

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But could it be that she really realised her wrongs and wanted to make things right? Well, but i am sure she won't break up with her new gf now. As the new gf can provide her the physical closeness and help her do things (which i can't as i'm at overseas). So, what should i do? Should i confront her and ask her about the cards i saw? Should i continue keeping in touch with her and be close friends still? thank!

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