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Girls looks...

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It seems that recently in public I've been getting a lot of eye contact in combination with looks, stares and glances from females. This includes riding on the Metro, walking in public, etc. I know the reason is obvious, but it just feels kind of weird though. I really don't know what makes me so interesting(lol), but it seems everyone I go at least one girl is looking at me. So I know I should go talk to these girl, but how should I go about it? I just don't want to look like an unconfident fool...


[by the way that is a sign of attraction, right?]

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You sure they're not just starring at that big zit on the middle of your forehead? Just kidding


Just go up them and introduce yourself. Don't forget to ask for their name. I've actually forgotten. Or if you're in a place where you've never been before ask them for directions (or pretend). You've got nothing to loose and all to gain. And don't take rejection personally.

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I really don't know what makes me so interesting(lol), but it seems everyone I go at least one girl is looking at me.


Hey Spectral, why doncha post your picture and we'll tell you what makes you so interesting. lol. You've piqued my curiosity fer sure.


Anyway, to get to know some of these ladies, make eye contact back, smile and approach them with a "hello" or "howsitgoing" or whatever your local greeting is. Stay relaxed. Make a friendly comment or little joke. Comment on where you are or what's going on around you two. Ask her about herself. For some reason, guys like to ask "are you a student?" and "do you work around here?" I've heard those a bunch.


Have fun!

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i agree with K8tie Kool completely , you should return the eyecontact and introduce yourself. and she gave you some great openers, o and just so you know if a girl is staring at you it usually means either she thinks your cute or you have something in oyur teeth its probably the first one. consider yourself very lucky

-stitches aka The Antihero

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Nah, I dont have any zits on my face, I keep my face clean and clear.


Well I just act normal and relaxed when Im' out in public and when I'm with friends and co-workers I guess you can say I'm loud and outgoing and not afraid to voice my opinon in public either.

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I remember when me and my gf went to pic up her brother, and I went to pickup my cusin cus they are in the same class....and as my gf went to go get them I was sitting outside, and this girl kept staring at me, and when I sllowly turn to see her, she turn really fast away, she couldn't made it anymore obious...she did that about 3 times, and I could see her with the corner of my eye, If my gf would of seen that too, she would of killed me too lol

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hey, im in the opposite problem, very few girls look at me now compared to the number in the past


As for somthing more pertinent to the topic, i agree with earlier posts that u shoudl return the eyecontact, smile or whatever.... just give a positive response, and if u like or find the appropriate circumstances, go talk to them.

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Spectral, you sound like me lol.

I have often wondered this, and answers I get back are stuff like "Everythings just right" or something like that.

I guess maybe you have a new appearance, or you have grown into your looks.

As for myself, im mostly around people that are like typical anglo's, so me being mixed european makes me stand out, or perhaps the best bits seem to of been passed on. Basically I think it's because I look different, maybe you do to, in a good way.

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Well recently[i wear glasses], I got a new pair of glasses that are made by brand name Guess and they're tinted and cost about over $200 american. And I'm growing facial hair too. And I've been called cute by girls before. One of my coworkers asked me about my glasses which came out of the blue because I was heading off the train and I asked her if she liked them she said "Yeah", but her talking to me because of my glasses seems kind of weird.


Oh yeah my eyebrows are arched slightly, so it gives me a weird(or by some, unique) look. But I guess girls like it or something.

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