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I love you but I'm not IN love w/ you...

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We've all heard it or have heard about it..But what are we, the dumpees, left to think when they still decide to contact us and call? I'm confused and need a few answers. My on and off boyfriend of 4 years had said this to me tonight. This is the story. We have been broken up since June, but have been seeing each other (kissing,intimate, going out) until I went on vacation in late July. Then when we got separated for a while he started hangin out with other females. When we get back in contact after my vacation, we're back to where we was but more competition is involved. He's on that whole "sow wild oats let me live a little I need space" issue. I understand that cuz he's only about to be 18. Anyway, we don't talk as much but still hang very close.


He is going to his grandmother's funeral tomorrow(friday) and won't be back until sunday. So he comes over, we're laughing, having a good time. And I notice he hasn't kissed me yet but constantly gives me these 4 to 5 minute hugs like we always do. Then when we were laying down, he kissed me. We end up doing a lot more than we should. I'm sorry lol I'm going to fast forward. >>> He tells me he has a girlfriend, loves me but isn't in love with me. (I asked him these questions that's how I found out). I asked him is he sure. He says he doesn't know. So im sayin what is this? And he tells me he doesn't know but he still has strong feelings for me. And he doesn't want to say he's in love because he wants to see what its like to be with other people and that's not what being in love is about. He felt it would be unfair to me. So I'm mad. He starts telling me its just that when he is near me, he feels so strong and he can't help but want to hug me and always be with me. He says that he doesn't want to hurt me. I told him that I don't think I can continue in contact ever with him as I'm confused and just shocked. One week he told me promised me he was in love with me. Then the next 2 he doesn't know. So anyway..he starts crying when I told him how I felt about me loving him but if he isn't in love with me, what is the point? I'm hurting myself. And he says he believes he can fall in love with me, and he doesn't want to let me go. It would kill him. I couldn't stand to see him cry. He said that he needs me because he knows no one will love him like me or make him feel the way I do. My question..[FINALLY RIGHT? =0)..] is...should I stay in contact? Of course I want him back..but am I really wasting my time? The other girl he doesn't see as much because she lives far...they barely talk..and she is in her 3rd year of high school. I'm just mentioning this because I'm wondering could it even work between them? He keeps tellin me he thinks of her but thinks of me and misses me constantly. Do I just leave him alone completely? I really don't want to..plus he plans to go to my college. What's that all about? Is he in love but doesn't know it? What do you guys think? We still are best friends even wit this new situation. All I wanna know is..if I left him alone...would he come back?

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oo this is a tough one. okay, well about your main question, i think you should stay in contact with him, dont ignore him, but you shouldnt make the first call, or the idea of meeting up. if he calls, talk, if he wants to meet, meet. but now you have to decide about how you feel about being one of his girls. i mean obviously you guys have history and theres so much to consider. and thinking that you guys will probably attend the same college, chances of things working are good. but it seems that honestly he still loves you and cares about you, but in a differnt way. its like my childhood love, i still love him but im not in love with him. i wish the best of the best for him, but i wouldnt want to be dating him right now. so it seems like he needs some free time. let him be, but if you feel that you cant handle that (although from your post, you seem to be OK with it) then you need to tell him that you cant just be on standby. i think you should at least take the summer off, experience a bit yourself, see how you feel about dating other people. the both of you can take some time off, i mean you two have been dating since you guys were what? 14? its beautiful its lasting this long, but being off and on says something. im just one of those non believers in an off and on relationship. it seems like you guys constantly need that break, so take the summer off. but if you two keep separating, then that says something about the relationship. how can it REALLY work? but thtas a different issue. the main thing right now, stay friends, if he wants to keep in contact, then thats great, otherwise do your own thing for now, and do what hes doing. see how you feel about it, maybe you'll both realize that you do still care deeply but in a differnt way. and maybe it will be just what you need to realize that the two of you are better then you thought. best of luck!

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We have similar situations- my bf seemed to change his mind virtually overnight on whether or not he was still in love with me..... how he could change his mind so quickly i will never know.


as hard as it is. i am a BIG advocate of the strict no contact rule. No contact gives you the time to reflect on yourself and to see what things you need to work on to strenghten your next relationship- be it with him or someone new.


Even more important, NC sends him a STRONG message- --- it tells him that there is a very REAL possibility that you are trying to get on with your life WITHOUT THEM......this hits them hard, especially when they still have strong feelings for you/may still want to be with you, as it sounds like in your situation. Another bonus, is that it shows that YOU have confidence in yourself and can think about yourself in a very positive way-- another very attractive trait in any male or female.


Often people think that NC turns into a game of who can hold out longer before contacting- but thats not it-- NC gives both people to reflect and also shows self respect and strength.


My advice, albeit unsolocited, is to not LET THIS GUY HAVE HIS CAKE AND EAT IT TOO........which is what it sounds like now. Again, its soooo hard to not have contact, but i think in many cases its essential. good luck to you, my dear!

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i agree with goddess23 that you should stay in contact with him. his life may be confusing or in a hectic time right now.i have recently uttered those words myself, the feeling of being IN love just faded and if you arent in love it isnt fair to act like u r and stay with the person. the whole "break up " line its a way of not wanting to hurt the person you no longer have feelings for. anywho back to the point maybe he'll come to his senses and realize what he had in you, or he wont and you are better off with a good friend.

-stitches aka The Antihero

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Goddess,chantel, and I_hate_the_world,

Thanks for the opinions and input. All women. Thas what I need..a female perspective on how it feels and what to do. Now I'm a little stuck between a rock and a hard place because...Goddess makes beautiful sense about staying in contact but not to much so we have that line of communication that he and his current girlfriend(I hate saying that) doesn't have. But on the other hand, Chantel is also right in me taking time away to understand myself a little better while making him see what life is like without me to be the backbone...So ladies...what's a girl to do. Obviously everyone agrees that the girlfriend isn't just a pick me up. Seeing as everyone said he needs this time, she might b in the picture for a while. I don't know I'm so stuck. Maybe I should iterate no contact but then after a few weeks do the friend thing? Or the other way around? Both are such good points...Any opinions or comments on the good points?

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Goddess,chantel, and I_hate_the_world,

Thanks for the opinions and input. All women. Thas what I need..a female perspective on how it feels and what to do. Now I'm a little stuck between a rock and a hard place because...Goddess makes beautiful sense about staying in contact but not to much so we have that line of communication that he and his current girlfriend(I hate saying that) doesn't have. But on the other hand, Chantel is also right in me taking time away to understand myself a little better while making him see what life is like without me to be the backbone...So ladies...what's a girl to do. Obviously everyone agrees that the girlfriend isn't just a pick me up. Seeing as everyone said he needs this time, she might b in the picture for a while. I don't know I'm so stuck. Maybe I should iterate no contact but then after a few weeks do the friend thing? Or the other way around? Both are such good points...Any opinions or comments on the good points?

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hey. okay, i agree when people break up, to move on, the best thing is usually nc. but in this situation, i just think that you should stay in the contact that i mentioned. i mean you guys didnt break up. but you guys are trying to experience something new, and you shouldnt be just waiting for his calls, but you shouldnt make an effort to ignore him. if you feel thats best, then you need to talk to him about how you feel, and put some closure on it for now. the way it is now, it would just completely confuse him if you do nc. so ya as i said, if you really cant handle him with someone else while you're "on hold", then you should tell him you just cant do that, and that maybe you guys should take an OFFCIAL break and have nc for awhile. but the way i see it, i would stick with my previous advice.

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Now you know if a male can give me some insight as to what this guy may be thinking, I'm definitely appreciative. I think that I'm going to have to lean more towards communication for the moment but not too much..if I do just stop altogether I guess it does confuse him. Then again he deserves a little of that right now..But I won't contact him unless he contacts me..so I'll keep it at a certain amount of contact...I just don't understand how you can fall out of love so quickly? I personally don't believe its possible. I think that maybe its the thrill of a new relationship or I dunno...just sum mumbo jumbo I heard..I can't even think...I'm sitting here remembering how just 2 hrs ago we was the only 2 people existing...now the script gets flipped.

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im feeling blue, i know how you feel. guys seem to change their minds so quickly. although i will say that girls my age do too. i think thats why these teen relationships rarely last, people dont know the true meaning of love. honestly im so scared, my bf is 15, and we're both eachothers firsts everything. im one of those super mature people, and im fine with being with him forever. and he says such sweet things too, but sometimes i think hes so young and that hes a guy that one day he'll just decide "ive only kissed one girl, wtf??!" and want to do the same thing. thats my biggest fear, that he will fall out of love. try and just remember that you had a wonderful lasting relationship that usually doesnt take place at our age, and you have precious memories to last a lifetime. and maybe it will be for the best if you guys do end up parting ways, it opens new doors for both of you, and you both will always be special to one another. try and not feel blue lol. and its not even over, and im glad you're gonna take "our" advice, at this point it is for the best. i know im young, but ive always been the relationship specialist, and from what you posted, this is what you both need.

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I was thinking about this more last night...I wanted to know..what coould drive a person to believe they aren't in love with someone they still have feelings for? Isn't that contradicting? I mean my ex likes a few girls..so I think. One of them he actually goes out with now. But he still comes back to me and doesn't know what to do. And is so confused. What are our exes thinking when they tell us they aren't in love anymore? Is it a lie they tell to protect our feelings while they hang around...Or could it really be they just want you on the side and as nuthing important? Any input?

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Hello Blue,

I think you should first of all stop sleeping with him. If you continue you are only hurting yourself because he is involved with someone else. There is no guarantee he is going to stay with you and my personal view is that you are reducing your chances by sleeping with him still. That's just how I see it. Guys tend to get very confused about what they want while you are still having sex with them, but get clear pretty fast when you take it away ( some do, not all).


Second, I think you should limit contact. Let him be the one that contacts you, but keep him at arms length. Remember--he has a girlfriend. While you can still be friendly, and you should, do not treat him as your boyfriend. He is a casual friend now. There should be no 5 minute hugs or kisses. If he wants to have sex with you and hug and kiss you like you are his girlfriend--then he should get with you again--not keep you as backup. (remember: respect yourself so others will respect you)


He is really young and he is right in wanting to look around a bit, but that doesn't mean you have to be there while he figures it out. You have your own life and you are just as young. Go out, do your own thing, I'm sure there are things you want to do before you get serious with a guy. Right?


Have fun

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I understand what you're saying Muneca and thank you. I wasn't trying to use sex as a tactic to keep him though...I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I knew it was wrong but didn't see how bad until I asked him the questions about a girlfriend and love me but aren't in love...I know something in him must love me more than he is letting me on to believe. I know you guys are say its hopefully wishing but..I dunno. You're probably right. But something in me refuses to believe..I guess I'm stubborn. Anyway I haven't called him, don't plan on it for a long while, and I'm keeping myself busy. He knows I'm here...no need to keep reminding him. I doubt he'll want only me for a while anyway if ever. So I guess if that time does come, maybe I'll still want him as much as I do now. I just didn't understand that if he was so moved on to big and better things, why was he beggin for me to atleast contact him on a monthly basis crying and holding me? Why did he tell me he needed to do this if we want to b together in the future? I just want so many answers but then again I'm afraid to question. I just don't think I should put too much hope in us reuniting in the future..he's only 18 right? =0(

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wow, feeling blue,


i can relate to u quite well. let me just give u my opinion from my experiences... my b/f uhhh wow yeah EX BF! said that line to me bak in april he broke up w/ me in march. & we remained NC for a while & then i sent him a letter sayin 'dude have ur time alone watever im cool, i do understand u need space & i appologize if i hurt u at the end by fighting but go about ur life as will i.' kinda thing. after that he started contact w/ me again & since april i havent mentioned US or anything about love etc. we talk sumtimes via IM's but i dont inititiate contact first like ever. we went total NC for bout 2 months. i dunno tho i think hes gettin comfortable w/ this & im upset & im stuck in limbo like what now?? he said hed want me back wen hes ready to have a gf again if im still around so to speak. i saw him out last nite we were casual cool & i made it visibly known i was mingling w/ a bunch of ppl & wen i did talk to him it wasnt for too long & showed i was there doin my thing w/ MY friends & ppl im meeting etc. so i dunno. i was sad after seeing him i was also drunk so i started baulin my eyes out wen i got home. but i was very cool wen i was with him. im jus sayin in a nutshell i know i cant tolerate this cival BS anymore i still love him & i was told i should tell him 'hey im not gonna be kept on a string anymore i have to let u go completely if u & i arent gonna be together. meaning NC once again.' i know i cant be his friend once he has a new GF. so why toirture myself until then? if he doesnt think he cane be with me after all we been thru & after lookin at rings etc. im not gonna waste my time 'staying friends' thats BS u cant be in love w/ ur friend....u can go from friend to love but not love to friends. especially when the love is one way. best of luck im right there with you hun. tho ur breakup is fairly new give it all time, tho he does have a gf but then again he could be testing himself & 'wat he wants in life & love' guys are so complicated sumtimes. i cant stand it, but 1 thing is for sure. the heart wants wat the heart wants & sumtimes we just have to live with that...i had all my exs come back to me -not to brag- but they did, & i know that once guys feel sad or miss sumthing they dont want to feel that way anymore & they will adjust their lives accordingly to make that feeling go away. they wernet happy with us so they left if they miss us now & are miserable then they will come back. no 'strategy' will make that happen. NC is good to self-help & ease ur heart & mind a little. in the process if it is tru love they will miss u. liek muneca's profile once said "Absense diminishes mediocre passions & increases great ones. as wind blows out candles & fans fire." if its real this time apart will increase the passion & mature the love if it is not real love then it will burn out. wat sucks is i am leaning this & my love for my ex is growing & my heart hurts w/o him, but i have no idea how he feels. it sucks. good luck once again. keep ur head up.



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I feel your pain. You can't understand how I felt like I was reading my own situation in some ways. I know what you mean about the comfortable part. They don't have to worry because they have the friend as well as more than friend(you) to go along with the other women he has been seeing. I'm glad that you showed him it isn't all about him. I agree that men get shakey when they feel something they don't want to. Hey...maybe that goes for commitment as well? But all in all, you're a positive young woman and I do kno what you are feeling. So when you think about him and you're having a hard time, remember...So is blue. I have always been wondering does absense make the heart grow fonder or wander. This is definitely a test to where his heart(your guys and mines) truly lies. I think I'm going to go out just like you (hopefully minus the baulin) and just do everything in my power to stick to no contact. Like you said it isn't necessarily to get the ex back but to clear your head and for your own advancement. Thanks for your post and I certainly do appreciate every word. Good Luck. That goes for everyone else whose exes are also hoping to "explore the grounds". Though my situation I wouldn't say is as intense as other people's, I had my share of pain. It isn't easy but it does get easier. Keep me posted on your situation Dragongirl, its nice to hear from you. Take Care.

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Well..He texted me as soon as he got back from the trip. He had went to his grandmother's funeral down south. Anyway he texts and says


"hey baby I appreciate you leaving me a nice message while I was away I'll never forget that"..(I just said its gonna be okay and that death doesn't always have to be sad). He also texted me an hour later sayin


"I really missed you sooo much but I can see you must be sleep so I'll let you get some rest ok?...I love you."


As you can probably tell..something in me decided not to reply to his messages. That's why he sent 2. We haven't spoke since the day he left which was friday(today is monday). So I dunno...I'm wondering why is he givin so many mixed signals. Why do they all give mixed signals? First the ex wants space, then when you give it they wanna talk, then when you talk they want space!! THEN AFTER THAT THEY WANT TO TALK. Is this normal behaviour of a person who knows what they want or are they truly confused and playing mind games? I was suppose to be doing the friendship thing with limited contact but when he contacts me...something tells me not to answer tha phone? Why? Any takers?



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Ok I am male but I can relate 100%.


See, the deal with me i that when my girlfriend said she wasn't IN love with me anymore, I said "no problem, you said you need to be ALONE right now and that's fine". Well, ALONE turned into "I may want to see other guys".


I recall another time not too long ago when she said she didn't want me to see other people. So in this case, she said (exact words) "I need to sow my wild oats".


You know what I said to her? Perhaps this will give you some answers or make you upset. I said to her that "If you need to do this, I will never talk to you again. You said you needed to be ALONE, and someone else will only complicate the matter". I aslo told her that if she does not know whether she is in love with me (I really think she is just testing me to see if I'll wait for her), then if she is trying to look for someone better, I will inevitably be unhappy because she will always have that doubt as to whether or not something better was out there. It may not be that she has come to the conclusion I am best for her, just that she could not find that person, but they may exist.


My point is, and it sounds selfish, but if you were dating someone who becomes unsure, another person being involved should make you unsure yourself, since deep down inside maybe you'll feel they actually tried to find someone better. Not sure if you ever looked at it that way.


When people break up, these types of things should be established during the break. She did not like me saying these things, telling me I was holding her back and threatening her. I told her I was not threatening her, that is simply how I felt and unfortunately I could no longer speak with her if she was with someone else.


She didn't like it, but then an interesting development occurred. A mutual friend (moreso hers, because I no longer like him ), tried to set her up. She told me about it and said she was considering going. I simply told her I did not want her to go. She thought about it for a few days and got back to him saying that it sounds intriguing, but now is not the best time. She has a lot going on in life and blah blah. The point is, once they go after someone else, I say to hell with them.


Just as an update, she calls me daily now and we don't fight. We have been intimate many times in the past month or so, and she has initiated 70% of those. Things are looking up. To you, I say you make him choose now, either it's you or her. Do not let him drag you by the string, do not settle for sharing the one you love with someone else.

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excellent post HBK! cheers to u i agree w/ everything u said 1000%! i did sumthing nice for my ex the other day. his grandfather passed away on his bday & no one got ihm anything & he is miserable his extended family is now fighting & hes upset @ the whole situation. so i painted him a picture of his 1969 muscle car & called him 2days ago sayin ima drop off his bday gift. i also gave his fam a sympathy card. he was so happy & absolutly loved his gift & his mom caLLED me up personally & thanked me for the thoughtful card & how gorgeous the painting came out & hes getting it framed & hung up in his room. i felt so comfotable seeing him yesterday. it was great! he said how great my personality is & is glad to see i havent lost my 'flare' we laughed a lot & spent 1/2 hr together, i had a nail appointment to get to. i agree tho w/ u if my ex who needed time alone starts dating other ppl i feel the same way not to threaten!!! but to simply state that ''i will not hang around if he finds interest in someone else. no way in hell will i deal w/ that & be kept on a string.'' im not a toy to be put on a shelf & played w/ when he loses interest in another. i will not tolerate that & i want to tell him this but i think if i bring "US" up after now a 5 goin on 6 month break up itll just send him further into the hills. so im layin lowkey for now & seein wat comes of all this. his best friend is leavin for the Navy & his other boy goes away to school so he will have plenty of time to clear his mind of 'the carefree lifestyle' he had w/ his boys for the past 6months & focus on who really loves him. & who remembered him on his birthday & cared for him during a time when he is grieving. but until then i guess i am where i am & its funny b/c hes getting a job being a bouncer at a bar i told him i go to often, & i think itll be good he'll see me lookin good & goin out havin fun. not to mention one of his coworkers has a huggge crush on me. so i think that can get interesting. hehehe.


Blue, for now if i were u i would cut off all intimate ties w/ ur ex. u are not put on this earth for his sexual pleasure. u have feelings & u are hurting, dont try to cover it up by being his bed buddy like everything is cool. its def interesting he said 'i love u' very good thing. i wish mine would. i dunno how long u were broken up for but dont rush back into things just yet. take it easy & stay out of bed w/ this guy until he proves himself worthy of you again.


best of luck w/ everything guys!!



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I'm wondering why is he givin so many mixed signals. Why do they all give mixed signals? First the ex wants space, then when you give it they wanna talk, then when you talk they want space!! THEN AFTER THAT THEY WANT TO TALK


This is typical committment-phobe behavior.

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H_b_k_02, Dragongirl, and Muneca,


Thank you for all your posts...the stories and the opinions make much sense..its so hard not to reply to him though, but I know I musn't. He has contacted me 4 times over the last 2 days (today and yesterday). I know I have to put my foot down and not respond so quickly if really at all because he will always think I'm at his will, every beg wimper and call. I understand why its so hard to even limit contact with the ex. I'm thinking bout picking up the phone next time..or calling back a little later but being short with him. But then again...I haven't spoke to him in 5 days and look how he acts (its contact city). I dunno..lol I'm going to stay strong tho and in whatever I decide I won't let him know that inside I'm missing him just as he "claims" to miss me. Can anybody else tell me how no contact is going for them if they are in a situation like me? Oh! And DragonGirl we had been together for 4 years, have been broken up since march but been on and off.

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Well, my ex g/f isn't seeing someone else now as far as I know, but she keeps calling me too.


Simply make him go out of his way to make contact with you. You need to become more of a challenge to him instead of vice-versa. If he calls, do not answer. If he leaves a message, wait a couple days before calling him back. Surely you can come up with a couple of white lies as to your whereabouts.


If he calls your house, don't answer, or if you have someone else living with you, tell them to take messages and say yo aren't home. This always works for me. But do not, and I repeat, do not, call him the same day he calls you.


Give him time to really miss you. You are unsure if he does right now, so see if he is willing to go that extra mile to talk to you. When you are talking to him, like if he does get a hold of you, tell him as well that you need to call him back, that you're on the other line with someone. This will also make him feel as though you aren't so desperate to speak with him as he is to you. If he is willing to go out of his way to get in touch with you, then he really does miss you.


This will also reassure you that he misses you. Just make sure that if he does approach you about reconciliation, tell him that you gave him time to sort things out, and that now you need time to sort things out. You may also say, though I'm not sure if this will work, that you need to see if you'd be able to get over the fact he dated someone else. This may scare him a bit more, then see how his reaction is. He asked for time and you granted it, now see if he is going to be selfish or if he is willing to do the same for you.

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Wow...that was beautiful. I completely felt everything you just said. Lemme tell you what this trickster did...He called me from my best friend's phone last night. I was so upset that he called but then again what could I do? My best friend is also his best friend so he claims to be on both of our sides but I dunno. Anyway, he calls me...I keep it light..and he tells me that half the things he has done in life he doesn't know if he could've ever done them without me. Then he tells me he's still going to definitely go to my college. I said why would you do that..and he tells me I'll follow you til the end of the world. Oh god right? Anyway we talk a little more than I hang up. Tell me why my dumb a*% called back n told him that if he still wanted to hang out with me I would think about it and get back to him but I had a few things to do. He had asked me on the previous conversation but I was a little mean. He texted me this morning sayin I'm coming over early to make you breakfast and hopefully you'll wash my hair. Aint he something? So I'm like what am I gonna do? I'm not gonna let him make me breakfast but I dunno..is it alright if we have a good time together or is that wrong? I'm trying to give him a little then pull way back. What do you guys think?

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Simple, don't be there when he comes in the morning.


"Why weren't you there this morning?"


You: "Oh, I'm so sorry, something came up and I had to meet a friend for coffee."


He will follow you til the end of the world?!? WTF, then why isn't he with you now.


If you guys have been sexual, stop doing it now. I don't know your ex at all, but I can tell you from a guys perspective that no guy that sounds like him will ever turn down a girl he is attracted to or has emotional ties to. You need to cut that off completely. That will make him wonder why.

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Forgot to mention, the ex just called me twice within 1 minute of each other. I watched the phone ring lol. After the second call, I went downstairs to have a smoke. So perhaps she tried again. But she didn't leave a message. That's okay, we'll see what happens later.

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I wish I had the strength like you H_b_k02, it seems I got a lot more to learn. I'm glad you're ex is contacting you like she is. Ita definitely a sign of something. Keep doing what you're doing until you believe you're ready to talk to her. I'm a hypocrite. I need to follow my own advice.

I'm so upset its crazy. Tell me why this fool gonna tell me he's going to 6 flags because he paid his money the other day and can't get a refund, he might as well go. I'm like..ugh...I wanted to curse and swear and belittle and tear him into little pieces but I just said "sure whatever'. I'm not stupid..first you have to take your mother somewhere @ 5 pm now you're going to six flags after saying you was coming here early in the morning? Puhlease...I know not to ever believe him. I'm so mad at myself for even thinkin he was gonna stick to his word about something. I know he mentioned it b4 about his buying the ticket but he shoulda thought about all that before tellin me he was coming over. I'm so through with games.

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