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to much to ask for?

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ok i met this guy named steven. He hurt me so much in the past, he broke up with me he cheated and so on. I finally got guts and broke up with him. He recently moved away, and I didnt talk to him in awhile. I truly wanted to be with him and i wanted him to love me, is that to much to ask for? I cry so much for this guy, im sorta happy he moved but im still sad...help me

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I know how it is to be with someone who is bad to you. Read my post and you will see I went through the same thing. I have gotten some great help and advice on this site, and one of the best things to do is to keep a journal. I write mine on my computer, and it helps me realize how angry I am at my ex. You can't miss something you are angry at. I dont know if this will help you, but I hope so, and keep your chin up. Private message me anytime and we will talk if you would like.

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I think that you just need to relax. If he did all those things to you he doesn;t deserve you and really if he was hurting you that bed you did the right thing. You have to protect yourself and I think that you did. The pain will go away and you will move on and find a guy that really deserves you and loves you very much. Just relax. It will all be ok!

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