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hey everybody. my last post, ex-girlfriend problem, was about how my long distance ex-girlfriend who visited and how it seemed we got back together and got intimate but never talked about it the day after. then she left and she left me with such confusion. not knowing how she feels, or if she doesnt remember that one night.


but now that i look back at it, i should of just told her everything. everything i feel. but i know at this point, i dont care whether she feels the same for me. i just want her to know how i completely feel. and to apologize for being so quiet the last day she was here. i was such an idiot. i should of said something! now i dont know what to do. i miss her so much. she was so nice to me and my family, she was just interesting. and i miss her. i cant even sleep in my bed because it smells like her.


im really depressed. i dont know if ill see her again. i cant take it. she's still out visiting her friends, and i left two messages in her cell phone telling her everything. but today, i called her car phone and surprised that she answered, i just casually started talking to her. asking her if she was okay. but then she quickly ended the conversation because she didnt want to use up all the minutes in the phone. and she told me she'll call me when she gets home. in fact, i didnt even remember getting a bye from her. probably because her friend was with her.


i really dont know what to do. i feel so much for her and i dont know why. i dont know why i dont hate her for hurting me so much and hurting me again now. i feel like im re-living my depression from before. she has too much to think about though, she has cancer and there's a lot of things bothering her. god, i just wish i can talk to her now and just tell her everything.


i dont know what im going to do until monday when she gets home.


am i wasting my time?

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Dear radiotone:


If you left two messages on her cell, then she's aware of how you feel.


I'm sure that she has alot on her mind being that she has cancer. You shouldn't feel brushed off by her because I'm sure she's going through alot right now. I think that you should wait for her to make the next move. Let her call you.


I can't say for sure if you are wasting your time given the situation with her health. She maybe very confused right now and not want hurt you with her problems. I realize that it is a wait and see situation but the healthiest thing for you to do for yourself is to go own with your own life and do things just as if she was not part of it.


Take care,


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it sounds like she is going through a lot of issues right now. my best advice to you is to give her the time and space she is asking for. obviously, the girl knows how you feel about her already, so i doubt she is wondering whether or not you're still interested at this point. but there will come a time when she does have to sit down and evaluate the relationship, and hopefully (as we all hope on this site) she will realize that you are a good person and she wants you in her life. but you can't force her to return the feelings you have for her. hope for the best, but expect the worst, you know? at this point, i know you think you "can't help but miss her," but you have a lot more control over your own emotions that you think. i mean, if you keep telling yourself the same thing over and over in your head, it's no wonder that you're miserable all the time. at this point, i would focus majorly on self-improvement and surrounding myself with people who are positive and who love me unconditionally. that is what has helped me most through my breakup (and the idea that i know i'll be my ex's greatest regret even if we never get back together ). but back to you, i know you're going through a lot and you want more than anything in the world to get her back, but the key word is WANT not NEED, so try and remember a time before you met her when you were very happy and also a time when you were so miserable you didn't think you were going to survive, and realize that YOU DID, and you WILL be happy again, regardless of whether you ex comes back to you. i wish you luck and happiness, my friend.

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