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Hello there. Can someone please tell me how to get this off me. I very good friend of mine has killed herself today. She actually had Brain cancer but she wanted to take things in her own way. Before she killed herself she talked to me and told me that she loved me than she sign off. Wee talked by AIM. Than she... kileed herself. What shoulkd I do to get her off my head?!?!?? I always think about her!!

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wow im truly sorry man, i know having someone you care for take their own life causes extreme pain and anguish. the best thing to do is to be around people, in open environment and above all DO NOT KEEP IT INSIDE talk to someone, anyone, talk to me add me to ur msn ill be your friend i dont know anyway to make the pain go away but drink lots of water and talk it out with people.


sTiTcHeS aka The Antihero

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I am so sorry about the loss of your friend and I hope everything goes well with you,Just remember you will never forget your friend you will always have the memories and it must be really hard right now and once again im so sorry that this happened.It is going to be hard not to think about this at first it will get easier but you will never forget her,Just keep yourself busy for right now and keep yourself around your friends and family and come on here and post all your feelings and thoughts and mabe that can help you a little bit.I wish you the best of luck and I hope things get better soon.

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of course, i would love to be your friend. But unfortunately i don't know how you would be able to stop thinking about her especially since you guys were close. how long ago did this happen? With time gradually you would be able to not think of her that much. Sorry if i wasn't helpful. Hope you feel better.

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wow, it's the first day. It's still a shock in your body. You are gonna go through the whole grieving process. It's really tough, i know. When my grandmoher passed away, i felt a little better after the funeral because i felt a sense of closure. maybe after the funeral, you get more closure and you'll begin to accept what happened. There's nothing wrong with crying alot and letting it all out, it's better than keeping it in. We're all here for you...

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fisrt of let me say igive you my deepest apologies about your friends death.I know how it feels to lose a friend in this horrible way.I know that our feeling alot of pain and i agree with dpressedone89.You need to talk this out.If you keep it bottled up you will slowly break down.Maybe you could talk to a friend or family member,or ever go to counseling or a therapist.I hope everything works well and god bless.



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I'm sorry Gauchori, I really am. The best thing that you can do for now, is to talk it all out. Let it all out. Vent out your pain, frustrations, and emotions. We're here to help. I am so sorry. I have experience in this situation as well. It's tough to lose a person that you cared for and loved. It's tough to see them walk out of your life like that.


Half of the times, it's probably because they're in so much pain that that's their ultimate answer. Not that it's the right choice, but it's because they feel so much torment. My heart goes out to her family, and as well as you. Please feel free to vent okay? You're doing a good job by letting your emotions out. That's the key thing. I know how it feels. *hugs*-Mahlina

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my condolensces.


yeah, at this time, after what has hapenned, there's really no reason for you to be happy. but surely things will get better. just like what some say, there's always a bright light at the end of every dark tunnel. sunshine after the long darkness of night.


(i myself has been going through a lot lately, but i try hard not to let those problems and events overcome, or else i'd lose my mind.)


guess we can be friends huh... share the sorrows of each other. feel free to pm me if u need someone to talk to, or just to listen to


things will be better. let's not lose hope

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I'm deeply sorry. I know it hurts deeply. I wish I could help more but all I can say is to echo everybody elses her. The best thing you can do is talk about it right now, we're all here to listen if you need us, feel free to post or PM me if you want to talk.


Best of luck to you,


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