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freind was phsicaly hurt in a freak acceidnt, help

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well me and my friend were playing a game of paintball in the woods. and we looked around seeing if any trees might be dangerous. we didnt really find anything except for one tree. it looked like it would fall if you just touched it. so im gonna make a long story short, we got in a fire fight and she ran behind that tree. not realizing it was the tree, i didnt either until IT happened. i kept on shooting the tree so she would be pinned it eventully started falling. i yelled RUN! as loud as i could. she ran but it fell straight on her Legs. both were shattered.


she was in the ER after that. docter said that she never might be able to walk again.


i dont know what to do. i feel like this is my falt. i told her that nothing bad would happen to her and it was her first game to. i just seriously feel like its all my fault. she has been sleeping for the past 2 days. i cant stand it. i just feel like breaking my own legs, i keep on wishing the tree fell on me. idk what to do. HELP ME!

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It will take time for your friend to recover, and have some control over their actions/feelings before you and them can begin to save(not to say you have lost your friend) what you had before this accident, and be there in any way possible to make this as painless and encouraging for them as possible. Be the best friend you can be, and understand it will take time for them to accept things as they are. Let them have their time, but let them know how you feel, your sincerity will be all they need to know that you never ment it.

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I'm truly sorry for what happened to your friend. Please do not feel as if it was your fault. You should be thankful she is still alive and if all you do is wwonder about the what if's, you will drive youirself insane. Make sure you are there for you friend. It may take time for her to get through both the physical and emotional pain but a good friend can help her through it faster. BE there to help. Again I am truly sorry about your friend accident




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