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Anti-Depressant during transitional periods?

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So I met with my therapist yesterday. I wasn't crying my eyes out or anything, just tearing up when talking about certain things. She asked if that happens often and I said yes, every day since the break up 2 weeks ago. She recommended I go on medicine and I was pretty shocked she said that. I mean, it's only been 2 weeks....its normal to be sad and cry, right?!?! I told her I was really surprised she recommended that but she said that they can be really helpful during transitions such as this and how it will help be feel stronger. I'm still pretty reluctant though, just sounds kinda weird to me. Thoughts???

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If you are sad from the breakup (and two weeks is early days), but are able to function thru the tears, anti-depressants seem like a dubious call. They can introduce all sorts of problems of their own, and can require a long time of trial-and-error to get the right med, at the right dose.


Simple, healthy things like going for a long walk, or any kind of exercise, and eating healthy food, go a lonnnnnnng way toward making your body and mind feel better.


If you are clinically depressed, then, that's a different story, but tearing up after a breakup seems normal and healthy.

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It depends on what is prescribed. There are Meds that simply help you get a good nights sleep because without sleep you will naturally become more depressed and anxious. Theres nothing wrong with that at this time if you are having problems sleeping and are exhausted


On the other hand, I'm not a doctor but two weeks seems way too early for antidepressants(if thats what is being suggested) unless you cannot function normally day to day or are having suicidal thoughts. After my divorce, it got to a point where the sadness wouldn't go away and I was anxious all the time and I went on an anti anxiety medication. It did help me get back to normal, but this was months after the initial divorce.

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Yea I was pretty shocked when she suggested this for me. Obviously I'm really really sad...and I cry, but I'm functioning. I go to work, I'm back to my gym routine, seeing friends, eating, etc. I'm not sure what meds exactly because I'd have to go see another doc that she recommended. It wasn't sleeping medication though, it was an anti-depressant that would make me feel less sad and stronger to get through the days easier. Sleeping is an other issue...thank goodness for Tylennol PM.

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Do not go on anti-depressants while you are still hurting from the break up. The initial side effects will make you feel 10x worse and your anxiety will be so heightened that you will start to think completely irrationally. Oftentimes antidepressants take 4-6 weeks to even kick in and even after then its not just some sort of magical solution that will all of a sudden make you feel better. This is coming from someone with a history of depression and using anti-depressants. I am no longer on them because I cannot handle the side effects and when I tried to go back on them after my break up they made me manic and gave me constant panic attacks. After stopping them I realized that my depression and hurt I was feeling from the relationship ending was normal and I needed to deal with it on my own instead of relying on meds to bring me out of my funk.


Seeing and talking to your therapist consistently is a valuable thing for you right now. It's merely a suggestion on her part because many therapists tend to lean towards medication as a solution to decreased mood patterns. Continue to talk through your pain and stay away from the meds, eventually things are going to get better. I promise you they will. I've been exactly where you are right now and I work with a great therapist who understands and is sympathetic to my case and not pushing meds as a solution for me. At the end of the day though, it's your choice. I can only tell you what I know from my own experience.

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