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Can I win her back from someone else...who is also long distance?

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So my best friend and girlfriend moved away to further her education. We met in college and didn't start dating til we were 24, but were very close friends that whole time. We dated for about 2 years, 8 months of which were long distance(8 hours apart.) We saw each other every other weekend, sometimes we went 3 weekends if she had testing etc. I was looking into moving down there for a couple of reasons, she will be in school for another few years and I am looking to get out of my current job, so why not move closer to her(this is something we both discussed and was her idea.) She broke it off a couple of months ago and one of her reasons was due to long distance. Less than a month later, she is dating another guy long distance(6 hours apart.)


The guy she is currently dating confessed his love to her long ago and I was ok with them being friends, but I did not trust him at all(sending flowers on her birthday, etc.) She knew I didn't like her talking to him but I let it happen because I trusted her. Come to find out, she lined him up so she could dump me and go straight to him, even said she had been over our relationship long before that time.


They have been together for a couple of months now and I have gone NC for a couple of months now. Mutual friends have cut off all contact with her and are disgusted with her actions. It's sad, but she has no real friends. What I mean by that is no on from high school or college associate with her anymore because of past and present actions. She has friends in grad school that she met less than a year ago, but no one who knows the real her. I still love her dearly, and know what she did to me is wrong. Anyone have advice on how to win her back or how to get over her...I am open to both(I love her to death but don't want to get my hopes up. I would give anything to have her back but am thinking with the glass half empty.) Also, anyone with advice on a similar situation would be greatly appreciated.

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I think you can pretty assume it was not 2 reasons why she broke it off but 1 Less than a month later, she is dating another guy long distance(6 hours apart.) . No one breaks off a LDR to get into another LDR because the distance was an issue. The issue is her and you are better off moving on. Honestly I doubt many people ever get 'won' back anyway. They may come back but it's for their own personal reasons and usually has little to do with the dumped doing something magical. *insert usual disclaimer about stop being an jerk if that applies* Anyhoo, don't try to get someone back who would so easily replace you. Ya know? If they'll do it once they'll do it twice, etc. Start living your life. If you want a new job and/or locale, start looking around and planning. But do it for you and your future. Hang in there!

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I hear ya Jonas. I am getting better day by day. I still have those moments when I hurt because I don't have my safety person to reach out to. I still miss her dearly, however have made no contact. I know the girl better than anyone in this world, and I think she knows that as well. We were best friends for 8 years never missing an opportunity to talk, and not talking to her in now 2.5 months has been one of the hardest things for me.


I am not sure what the future holds and I do expect her to contact me again eventually(though she has been trying to pretty much this whole time, indirectly.) She is a girl who has always been desired her whole life. She is beautiful and smart, however, she can be very needy and starts getting upset when you don't pay her enough attention. I am the first person(and closest person) to ever initiate NC on her after a break up. All of her past boyfriends hung around for the longest time. Sadly, she did this to one of my friends a while back but they never got to the point where a relationship actually started. For the first time in her life her plan backfired on her and she is now grasping for straws with other friends. She wanted her cake and wanted to eat it too. Now that no one is paying her any attention she is starting to blame me and even some of our friends for the failed relationship. It just shows she knows she messed up and is trying to find someone to push it on.

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