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Professional references..help


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ok so i have an interview tomorrow! i am putting together my reference just in case they ask. I already asked my former boss and she said it's fine to put her down.


I have only had two jobs..the first was during school and it was mainly just my boss who i reported to..there is noone else i can ask for a reference or even anyone i am in touch with.


And i have two for my current employment..of course i haven't asked them yet if they can be placed down b/c i don't want them to know until i am offered and i accept and if the future company just wants to comfirm and talk with them.


They would be fine giving me the reference i am almost 100% sure. But do i place them on a separate list? Do i have one sheet with just one name of the person they can call and then a different sheet for my references regarding my current employment?


Or do i place them all on one paper and just have my former boss first since that is who is they can call and just explain i have 2 from my current job whom i am sure would give me a reference if offered the position. I haven't told them I am looking.



Unforunately 3 is all i have and only one of them they can call...

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also--should the white collar of my shirt be placed inside or outside the suit jacket? Should i place it where the white collar is showing? It might look neater? but then it looks a little off in the back b/c i cant make the white collar go along the whole back of the top of the black..hope someone knows what i mean



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During my whole career, I pretty much avoided giving references from my current job. I had to be a bit creative at times, but it worked.


At your former job, is there anyone else you can use in addition to your boss for a reference? A colleague perhaps? Maybe the person that trained you? Or someone from a different department you interacted with?


When you meet with the HR person, make sure you let them know the sensitivity of the situation, since you're still working at the current job. This kind of thing is quite common.


Good luck!

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Have you ever volunteered for anything before? If you help set up for a walk athon, the volunteer coordinator for the non profit organization would be a business reference? Can you think of anything else you have done that you might be able to think of? When I first started, that is who I used. I would add the current employer as someone to call to verify employment but not a reference. Companies are pretty savvy about not blowing it with your current job. If you are pretty young and just fresh out of high school or in college, the employer will understand that you probably don't have a ton of work experience. They obviously saw something in you to even get an interview. Unless you are applying for a job as a partner in a law firm or something high level I wouldn't worry too much about having too few.

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i dont have anyone else to put down.


Do i place those 3 on the same page and just explain to only contact my former boss seeing as though the other two would give me a reference but they aren't aware yet i am looking.???


Also--are you saying the collar stays inside the jacket? doesnt it look a little sloppy when it is done that way? it's been awhile since i was on an interview..i forget.



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i dont have anyone else to put down.


Do i place those 3 on the same page and just explain to only contact my former boss seeing as though the other two would give me a reference but they aren't aware yet i am looking.???


Also--are you saying the collar stays inside the jacket? doesnt it look a little sloppy when it is done that way? it's been awhile since i was on an interview..i forget.




yes, the collar stays inside the jacket. The jacket goes over so when you take it off, the collar stays in place. Just like when you put on a coat - you don't flip your polo shirt collar out over it like you might with a sweater.


You need to ask those people if they can be a reference. Call them up before you go to the interview and ask them if they would mind. It's not really cool for someone to get a random phone call that they aren't expecting. And don't put your current boss as a business reference. Just put your bosses name down if you are given an application to fill out and they need the name of your supervisor.

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Asking takes guts but most people are nice about it. But you do need to ask. I hate asking people, really hate it, and am doing it now for a class assignment plus I need them for my job search after I graduate. As co-workers, bosses, supervisors, professors, anyone you can think of.

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