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question for guys: is this outfit sexy?


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Sexy is in your attitude, not your clothes. They say Marylin Monroe looked hot in a bin bag...



ps, and I'm a fashion designer.


That´s right and that´s also the reason why I have asked - If I feel I am look sexy, my attitude is sexy. But I am really undecisive about this outfit, so my attitude is undecisive too

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Well, personally, I think it's an attractive outfit. The general rule is, if you show off your legs, you cover your cleavage, and vice versa. So, if you like your legs, then go for it. I think it's hot to cover up some of the body. And you look less 'tarty' that way.

I like the heels too but you've got to be able to walk in them and be comfortable, otherwise go for flats or a lower heel. It also depends if you're trying to get a certain kind of guy. If you want a guy who's all about your body, then show it off, if you like a more sensitive guy who wants to get to know you, and find out about your body later on, then cover up a bit. ;-)

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